One of the most beautiful fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
I'm quite sure it was called a VAMPIRE TANG absolutely beautiful. the white on it is just sensational. It was £24. If i had a sw tank I would have bought it there and then. What is the most beautiful salt water fish you've seen at your lfs??
I also admired the damsels £4.99.
I am still enamored with the Flame Angel.

I can't get one till I set up my larger tank the next couple of months.

My favorite fish :wub: :wub:

Sohal Tang

If only i had several hundred gallons to keep one :*)

My next most favorite is the Achillies tang. :wub:

A bit delicate though :*)

If I had a Marine Setup, I would buy this fish, Its Colors are Simply Breathtaking.

The intensity of the Red/Orange against the Black - Stunning
Yeah the batfish is an absolute stunner. Shame it grows so huge :*) Within a year it will gorw to about 20 inches in depth so you can imagine the depth of tank you would need! :crazy:

Difficult to get feeding too. I do agree though, a stunner if there ever was one.
Yeah Spanair, they are beautiful. Bungle was giving one away not so long ago as he didnt have the room for it anymore.

In the end no one claimed it so it went to his local shop :*)
i'm kind of partial to freak-fishes. I love lions and boxfish :) at one point i had a tank where all of my fish were either poisonous or venomous, haha... my little sea monsters.....
I love the achilles best hands-down.

But I opted for a baby Atlantic Blue Tang. Got it solid yellow. Within 2 days, two blue rings around the eyes and sky blue at hte tips of top and bottom fins. Now blue is starting to show in stripes on the body at times.

Tail still solid yellow. Hoping it will stay that way (never know with these). The sky blue against yellow is striking.

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