One of my videos

I don't usually publicize stuff I put on line, but I thought this video might interest people.

nice, are you the fluval aquatics person or just the video source?
a lot of schooling fish really helps, after getting 8 more rasboras they are always together
The main reason I got my rummy-nose was because they shoal. Love them!

Fish shop accidently gave me a couple similar looking tetra, but not rummy-nose, and they both shoal with the rummy-nose I have. Ichthys helped me figure out what they were, Hemigrammus-levis.
Silvery fish tend to shoal more, as long as you have enough of them and the tank is large enough. The African moon tetras in the video live as a shoal, but their camouflage is reflection, and they probably live in very bright waters, like most other silvery tetras. Dappled bright sunlight, and silvery scaled fish are pretty good camouflage out in the open, and large groups are effective defensive strategies.
If you really want shoaling, go for nothing but silver, rummy nose sized, in a 1.5 m tank. Unfortunately, basic silver tetras aren't big sellers so they are often not stocked.
Really interesting. I've noticed since I added a lot of floating plants, my white fin bentosi tetra are only really "together" when it's two or three males displaying to each other and having a little dance. Also, I have 18 of them in a 180 L which helps. I've got 21 corydoras in that tank, and they don't hang around in largish groups in the tank. I was hoping this was because they feel quite secure in my set up.

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