one of my kids


coconut bomber
Feb 5, 2004
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just a quick pic of a betta splendens born of our breeding attempts. he is going on 4 months old now, is jarred already, and is one of about 15 boys and about 30 females in the spawn. ;)
thats pretty cool... ur from van too..... where do you find these diff types of bettas ?
the two parents of this kid were actually LFS stock. the male short-tail was bought at big al's in richmond, the female was bought at superpet in richmond as well. this batch was one of our first attempts at breeding. soon after this attempt we hooked up with the bc betta association and were introduced to marianne at and were able to get better breeding stock. these bettas will never be show quality of course,way too much red wash but the colours are pretty vibrant and they got a lot of character and are strong strong fish nonetheless. ;)
I would love to have a couple of them bettas. I will gladly take some of them off from your hands. And I will pay for shipping to.PM me if you want to sell them
Wow, what a cutie-pie. Can't wait to see the babies from the "good" breeding stock if this is what you two can do with lfs stock.
cation said:
Wow, what a cutie-pie. Can't wait to see the babies from the "good" breeding stock if this is what you two can do with lfs stock.
i tried taking some pics of my fry from last breeding attempt - double tail female and super delta male (small spawn of 10 remaining) but the digital camera isn't good enough as they are still pretty small but a few of those have a lot of potential, one in particular has huge tail fin span already and half moon is quite possible (if i haven't jinxed it by saying so) :p
bkk_group said:
(if i haven't jinxed it by saying so) :p
Isn't that the way it goes with bettas? I'm scared to even speak of a spawn anymore because something always happens and I swear I jinxed myself :X
bkk_group said:

just a quick pic of a betta splendens born of our breeding attempts. he is going on 4 months old now, is jarred already, and is one of about 15 boys and about 30 females in the spawn. ;)
The picture may not be clear, but his colors must be brilliant! Can you get a close-up of him?
i know those 2 places... i got a big als here like 20 min drive... i been to superpet and big als richmond too.. the big als here is bigger and better tho.. but no cool females :(
Itty Bitty Betta said:
bkk_group said:

just a quick pic of a betta splendens born of our breeding attempts. he is going on 4 months old now, is jarred already, and is one of about 15 boys and about 30 females in the spawn. ;)
The picture may not be clear, but his colors must be brilliant! Can you get a close-up of him?
like you itty i have no digital camera to call my own at the moment so whenever i have the urge to snap pics i must borrow the camera from work. it's got a crappy zoom lens so getting close ups is rather difficult. :/

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