One Of My Fsh Hve Got White Spot

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
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one of my fish have got whitespot HHEELLLLPPPPP!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO. i have a cleaner shrimp will he eat all the parasites on the fishes skin. plz tell meeeeeee
If one fish has white spot then the ich parasite will go through its cycle and affect other fish. What type of set-up do you have, FO FOWLR or Reef?

Do you have a UV steriliser?

The ich parasite is only vulnerable when the tomites enter the free swimming stage, if its FO then there are treatments, anything else is too sensitive to copper but there are herbal treatments

You should really look into the root cause of the ich outbreak, fish always carry the ich parasite and its cycle normally started by stress (incorrect water parameters, bullying etc) You should get to the bottom of it or you may well see it again.

Post up your water stats :good:
I have a yellow tang and for the first couple weeks I had him if I even looked at him funny he would get ich.I tried a couple of things but the one that worked over night! was Called NO ICH this stuff is amazing. I have a reef tank so this stuff is completely safe and won't harm inverts and has no copper! I would try this immediately! oh and if you have a bunch of snails just do half treatments that's what I did and I have been ich free ever since! good luck.

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