One of my babies


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
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Just thought I'd post a pic of one of my babies. They're almost 4 months old now, and were bred from a melano copper male and a green female that I got from Suporn at He's a turquoise butterfly HM...

Hey, Yeeviabetta - what do you think?


Thanks for the pic, Golden Mermaid!
Hey, thanks for all the comments. I appreciate the compliments... they've been a lot of work! The early weeks weren't real bad, but once they were jarred and I was changing water every other day, I felt like a betta janitor...

Red-Devil: the bodies are right around 1 1/2" long - maybe just under - and that's not including the tail. They're still babies... well, more like teenagers I guess.

Thanks again!
Got any more HM's? I wouldn't mind relieving you of some :lol:
Here are a few more photos of Golden Mermaid's crew:


He's a Platinum Marble Turquoise HM PK... I got a LOT of different colors and types in the spawn. This fish is the one who had some 'red' showing in his fins after the stress of shipping, but it's clearing up nicely!


A copper HM - the photo shows his colors, but not his fins as well...


A copper marble butterfly - this bad boy decided to fight when his neighbor jumped into his jar! ... and his anal fin got torn. But Golden Mermaid knows more about medications than most any fishkeeper I know, so it will be healed soon. :)

Hey, thanks again for the nice comments on my 'boys.' I gotta go do betta jars - Gheesh! ...the 4th of July and I'm stuck cleaning 35 jars before I can do anything else!
Wou, They looks great. Everyone going to get your babies now.
Now I know why you didn't get any melano! You said the female is a green female. I thought it is a pair of copper melano. I don't think the female is the sibling of the copper melano. Anyway, if you breed the babies, sure you will get copper melano. Choosing the same color I told you will be great. Any solid color of green babies pair? Not the turquoise. Sure you will get the copper melano back.:) 50% I think.:)
Suporn said the female was a sibling - who knows. It was an interesting spawn with a lot of variety of color!

I'm going to do a sibling breeding between a copper male and a copper/green female. AND I'll probably try using the father with a copper daughter. I got some interesting females with metallic green bodies and copper fins - I might try those with the father. I'd like to get the black fins back in the fish...

I'd really like to get some babies from the really nice bettas out of the spawn, but I'm afraid they're going to get ripped up! I need to pair the show quality males up with the quieter, less agressive girls!

Oh, I have a few to sell - but I think you're going to have to supply most of the folks around here, Yeevia! My spawn was pretty small compared to what you're getting!
100 is not bad at all. Remember the first time you only said around 50. LOL. You did a great job by the way for your first time. Letting the male takecare is great and easy. Listen to my advice are surely promissing. LOL :lol:
You need to breed more now. I think you are doing great. :) I got so many to breed and all of them are conditioning right now. :)
Snailguy - Thanks! It's been really interesting to see what colors showed up. Even now, at four months old, the finnage is still developing...

YB - Yeah, I want to do more breeding, BUT I don't know where I'd put all the fish! My dogs like a cool house - the bettas need to be warm. I have a bunch of jars and containers sitting in tanks half-filled with heated water. It's not the best set up...

But yeah, I have some breedings planned. And your advice really helped!'s been a long time since I raised any kind of tropical fish, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your breeding and raising techniques. THANKS!

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