One Of My Albino Corries Has Died?


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,got up this morning and one of my small albino corries is dead,readings are fine,now i`m left with 2 albinos ,6 bronze corries,2 dwarf gouramis,8 glowlight tetra,6 green fire tetra,2 pitbull pleco,and shrimpin my 110l ,would you add 1 more bronze or albino corry to replace the dead one?
Sorry to hear you lost one :rip:

Do a w/c if you haven't already done so.

I would try to find the cause first before adding more,did it have any marks etc on it & has it been acting differently?

What was your actually readings for ammonia/nitrite etc ?
Thanks Harlequins ,i`d done a 50percent water change and gravel vac the day before ,ammonia and nitrite were both 0, and the cory never had any marks on it ,the only thing i can think of was because it was so small the stress of the water change killed it what do you think i should replace it with albino or a bronze corry ,can`t add more than 1as my 110l tank is 31x13 x17 only?,thanks for your help.
Thanks Harlequins ,i`d done a 50percent water change and gravel vac the day before ,ammonia and nitrite were both 0, and the cory never had any marks on it ,the only thing i can think of was because it was so small the stress of the water change killed it what do you think i should replace it with albino or a bronze corry ,can`t add more than 1as my 110l tank is 31x13 x17 only?,thanks for your help.

Generally speaking, water changes don't kill fish. Unless the water used to do the change was very cold or very hot enough to cause a sudden temperature swing. When you cleaned your substrate did you cause the water to become dirty? If yes, it could have released some built up toxins in the substrate which could kill a weaker fish. I'm assuming you added de-chlorinator? The only other thing would be to test your tap water for ammonia. Maybe there is some ammonia in it which even in small amounts can do harm, especially to a weaker fish or shrimp.
Hi ,thanks for that,i clean my gravel every week,and yes it does release a little bit of dirt in to the water ,the gravel is only about 1/2 inch [if that]deep.Will test tap water though ,and yes i do use a dechlorinator [stress coat,api.]In your opinion ,when things settle down shall i replace with 1 albino or 1 bronze?
Were these new fish or have you had them for awhile? If new, you may have bought one that had something wrong with it to begin with. There's no need to add anymore albino, as long as they are just the colourless version of the bronze cory. They will hang out together just fine. Plus I wouldn't recommend adding anymore fish, I just did the litres to gallons conversion and so you may be pushing it with stocking levels. I hope you have good filtration and keep up on those water changes or I fear you're going to run into some issues down the road.

Good luck maisy
Thanks for that.It is confusing though when some people tell me i can add 6 of each colur ,i`d had the corry that died for about a month
Thanks for that.It is confusing though when some people tell me i can add 6 of each colur ,i`d had the corry that died for about a month

I understand. If you really want to add more fish, it's up to you but I wouldn't want to see you run into trouble because of being overstocked. It sounds like you need a bigger tank which would allow you to get more fish that you want. A bigger tank would be much better for the cories. I had my cories in a 30 gallon which after I put them in my 140 gallon, the old tank seemed wayyy too small for them.
Thanks ,will stick with my present stocking then,till i can get a bigger tank,thanks for advice,
Just to let you all know ,i replaced albino with another bronze,waters fine ,so hopefully this one will survive.
I hope this one does well :good:

Ideally it would have been better to find out the cause of death on the albino...

Just keep an eye on the stats :good:
Thanks Harlequins,the only worry is when i do a weekly gravel vac , some dirt floats up from the gravel,and this might of killed my albino ,as soon as i can i`m changing to sand as i`ve read on the forum that`s it`s much cleaner.
hi maisy,

sorry to hear that you cory died. :sad: glad you managed to get a nice replacement for him and i am sure all will be fine now. i have heard to that sand is cleaner and also corys much prefer it! i am in the process of adding a sand area to my new tank as i am going to introduce a group of corys. good luck with yours...they are highly entertaining little things!!

L :D

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