One Of My Adf Has Died :(

Aw the frog died?! :sad: Sorry that stinks...but is strange! I think you can be sure it wasnt from the shedding, but maybe disease or something...all i can think of. Are your other ADFs acting ok? (i think i remember reading you had more)
Thanks for the reply :) I have just the one more, and it seems fine, eating and swimming around OK. Even more active than usual I think actually. No sign of anything on the dead frog, in fact, I thought his leg moved so I put him back in water in case he was still alive :blush: he looks so perfect. No sign of skin hanging off either of them, so they must have eaten it I suppose.
I know the remaining one shouldn't be kept alone-I intend buying more once I get back from holiday.
Removal of the slime coating can result in bacterial infection which can lead to excess shedding as one of the symptoms before death occurs. They do eat the skin I noticed one of mine was shedding on its leg and as i was watching another sneaked up behind and managed to bite a large amount of the shedding skin but it hadn't fully detachted so the two frogs started going crazy wrenchng at each other so I had to step in and seperate them.

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