One More Question..


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Washington State
Don't want to seem annoying, just have another question. So sorry!

My betta made bubble nests regularly until the last water change. All the params are good and he has more than enough room. I think he's just lost interest due to the fact that no one's spawning with him? Out of personal experience, have any of you seen a male betta that had ceased creating bubble nests start up again once he was introduced to a female?
Ive found they only blow bubbles when they feel like it. Some days they will, others they wont. Though having a female close by is an added insentive to most males to blow a nest. Im suspecious the weather has something to do with it too. All three of my boys will quite often blow nests just before it rains.
My guy stopped nesting when he became noticably 'old', and then built a bubble nest once I put my girl's bowl next to his -- although, it was kind of a sad excuse for a bubble nest, and after my water change destroyed it, he never rebuilt it.
Some of my fish blow nests regularly, some blow intermittently... I even had one who did not build I nest for months and finally built one now.

I guess the only time I would worry about a betta not building a nest is when they are placed beside a female betta...

I do think they blow nest when they a specially happy. When I got a bulk set of CT's (20 pieces) who had been in cups for two weeks or so and placed them in small 1 liter containers... the fish all seemed to be so happy to have "more" space... to a man, each on build a nest. Make me kind of sad that a 1 liter container would make them so happy.
Ollies won't blow a nest the day of a water change. He gets sulky cos his other nest has been broken. :lol:
Give it a few days but don't worry if he still doesn't rebuild. Houdini, bless his fins (rip) rarely built nests. He never got very good at them but was still perfectly happy. So it does vary according to the temperament of the individual fish involved. Am sure he'll get to nesting when he wants to though. :thumbs:

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