One More Fish?


New Member
Dec 6, 2007
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im going to be getting a tank this sunday, 3foot by 1foot by 15 inches

i a, trying to make an overall list of the fish that i want in the tank.

so far its:
6 cherry barb
5 panda corys
2 dwarf goramis
2 shrimp (red ones?)

if my calculations are true, that leaves me with 20cm of fish left to include,

im looking for a single, standalone fish that would live in this community with none of his other species, and am looking for something larger than the rest of the fish, and colourful/eye catching.

any ideas?
from my experience ive found gouramis can be aggressive towards smaller fish ive had 3 dwarf gouramis in the past and they were little bastards, and currently i had 3 blue gouramis in a 30 gal tank and one of them killed the other 2 and he occasionally gets in the nipping mood towards other fish. but like ive said 100 time all fish have different personalities
from my experience ive found gouramis can be aggressive towards smaller fish ive had 3 dwarf gouramis in the past and they were little bastards, and currently i had 3 blue gouramis in a 30 gal tank and one of them killed the other 2 and he occasionally gets in the nipping mood towards other fish. but like ive said 100 time all fish have different personalities

I've had that experience with Dwarf Gouramis but not with Opaline or Pearl Gouramis. I'm not a big fan of gouramis though for the most part, don't ask me why though.

God Bless,
If your shrimp are red, they are probably Cherry Shrimp.
The Gourami will probably eat the shrimp.
I'd say ditch the shrimp & get another cory or 2.
If you want a single fish that stands out get a Paradise Fish.
Yes they are known to be aggressive but in my set up they're doing great.
I have 1 male 2 females & 7 corys(3 albinos 4 Rabauti's) and they get along great.
The paradise pretty much keep each other busy and don't messy with my corys.
They bump them off food during feeding sometimes but other than that its all good.

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