I currently have a group of female betta in a 16 gal, heavily decorated tank (lots of hiding spots). I've read everywhere that you can't put a male and female together unless it's for mating purposes. However, I have never seen anything about putting one male in with 6 or 7 females. My thought is that he would be intimidated because he would be so out-numbered. I wasn't really planning to try it, just curious.
Also, what is the largest number of females anyone has kept together? I have 7 in the 16 gal and all is quite peaceful. I origionally only had 2 and even they got along without incident. I'd really like to add one or two more because most of mine are either primarily red or blue. I'd like a little more color. I have a filter, heater and do very frequent water changes so water quality isn't my concern. I just don't want to be WAY overstocked.
Also, what is the largest number of females anyone has kept together? I have 7 in the 16 gal and all is quite peaceful. I origionally only had 2 and even they got along without incident. I'd really like to add one or two more because most of mine are either primarily red or blue. I'd like a little more color. I have a filter, heater and do very frequent water changes so water quality isn't my concern. I just don't want to be WAY overstocked.