one lonely little panda...


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
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Berkeley, CA, USA
ok, so about 2 months ago, i acquired 3 panda cories; long story short, i've just got the one now.

i cannot find any more pandas anywhere offline. don't particularly want them, anyways. too sensitive!

are there any other cory species that will school with a panda?
Hi pica_nuttalli :)

Your question is a hard one to answer. They are a timid species, and it seems to me that they prefer to be by themselves and in as large a group as possible. However, if you can't get them, that's out of the question. I wouldn't even think of suggesting you order them online because of the way they respond so poorly to changing water conditions.

It's possible that their small size makes them stay apart from the other corys, but even so, it would be better to get some more companions for him. Because of this I think the smaller corys like the albino C.aeneus and the bandits (C. metae) would be a better choice than the ones that get bigger.

I have C. habrosus and C. pygmaeus the dwarf corys in their tank and the pandas ignore them, so I don't think they would fill the need for your panda to school.

With luck, you will find some small and young fish that will not frighten him at first and he will get used to them as they grow up.

Please let me know what you do. I'd be very interested in seeing how things work out.

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