One Fish On The Way Out, White Stuff


Mostly New Member
Dec 21, 2013
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Tank size: 46 litres
pH: fine
ammonia: fine
nitrite: fine
nitrate: fine
tank temp: 25c

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
white patches, not spots on the front of the fish, tail not fully spread and closed unlike the others

Volume and Frequency of water changes: change water every week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: none

Tank inhabitants: 1 gourami and a good 10 platies (they keep breeding)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none, plants been in the tank for some time and grow brilliantly

Exposure to chemicals: been treating with eSHa 2000

Digital photo (include if possible):

The below image is an example of what the tail should look like on the said fish, but its more closed

How long has the tank been established?
Can you please give specific test results?
How much water do you change with your weekly water change?
Did you cycle the tank before adding fish? 
What kind of gourami have you got?

By the way, unless you have one of the smaller species of gourami, none of your fish are really suitable for this size tank.
attibones said:
How long has the tank been established? A few years
Can you please give specific test results? Ammonia etc is fine as I've said, all I want to know is what's wrong with my fish as my treatment isn't working.
How much water do you change with your weekly water change? A quarter
Did you cycle the tank before adding fish?  Yes
What kind of gourami have you got? Three spot gourami
By the way, unless you have one of the smaller species of gourami, none of your fish are really suitable for this size tank.
Well some people say "fine" because that's what the fish store workers tell them when they test their water (usually with strips), instead of getting actual numbers. These numbers would really help because when a fish loses color like this it can be because of ammonia. With a tank stocked this heavily, I'd be doing at least two water changes a week. Maybe increasing the water changes would help out your fish.

I don't know much about the medicine you've mentioned, but maybe someone else will have advice about meds.

Are any of the fish acting out of the ordinary? I'm assuming none of the others have begun turning white.
esha 2000, some people love it...some people also use it in conjunction with esha exit and swear by it.
I used it once and probably won't use it again as it did nothing.
I personally keep water crystal as maintaining the cause is better than cure.
But if there is a stubborn illness in the tank I like and use tetra general cure, I always have it stocked.
Your tanks over stocked.
The gourmia shouldn't really be kept in that tank size.
It looks like columnaris to me.
Hows the fish now since using the esha 2000.
Thanks for the comments, however the fish recently died unfortunately. Its really weird as the tank is perfectly fine as all the other fish are more than healthy, you may say its over stocked but they all seem fine to be honest, also they bread like anything so i can't stop the population.
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
Maybe over the next few days just a few water changes.
Good Luck.

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