one eyed panda


Fish Herder
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
boston, MA
so i bought 6 panda corys 2 weeks ago, and i just noticed last night that one of them only has 1 eye!! the socket is completely empty, it doesn't really look like a recent injury, very clean and dry (as dry as it can be in the water!! LOL) any similar experiences? they are in my 20 Long with some danios...
i have had lots of one eyed fishies -_- they ususlally live long and happy lives but sometimes they swim on a slant!one of mymystus lost his eyein a fight and my pleco was bought without one and bothare just as healthy as the others! :)
Yeah just because they only have one eye doesn't mean they won't live out a long and happy life.

Enjoy your cories :p
Hi newfishies :)

A cory with only one eye should still do very well. They use their barbels and sense of smell to find their food so that will not be a problem. As long as it is in a school of other corys and has a cave or other hiding place, he will not feel too insecure about not seeing on that one side.

What I am most concerned with is the fact that it is missing. Surely you would have noticed it if he came that way when you first got him or at some other point during the two weeks you have had him.

Are you quite certain none of your danios are aggressive toward the little corys? :unsure:
If, like Inch said, the wound is fresh, make sure to keep close guard against bacterial infection by frequently checking on him and his eye! :thumbs:

This is why i recomend to all ppl buying fish to check the fish thoroughly before you buy. But sounds like he is OK! :thumbs: And hope he lives for a many more happy years!
yeah, i can't believe that i wouldn't have noticed the missing eye. i haven't seen any aggression between the danios and corys. they danios, really just seem to play tag and chase each other around. i am watching them.

winky gets around the tank great! you have to look close to even notice the missing eye!

thanks for the suggestions!

(i kinda think this is funny b/c i used to have a 1 eyed dog named wink!!

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