One Eyed Neon Tetra


New Member
Sep 25, 2009
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Hi, I'm new to this forum so this is my first post. Have been keeping tropical fish for about 6 months and so far, so good.
I have a 115 litre aquarium and in it I have:
1 japanese fighter
2 plecos
9 neon tetras
4 amano shrimp
2 2 month old baby mollies (which I've had since birth in a breeding net - took mother and other babies back to lfs as I didn't want any more babies to deal with)

I keep the temp around 24/25degrees. These fish have all been together at this temp for about 4 months and they all seem very happy and healthy. Occassionally the betta will chase the babies and the neons but they're too fast for him so he never manages to catch them and he also seems to have gotten a bit bored of them now so leaves them alone. The betta is generally a very peaceful and isn't as aggressive as other bettas I've seen.

Water temps are good. PH 7.5, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 40ppm (have been trying to get nitrates lower with water changes but its always the same. I think i need to test the tap water for nitrates) - anyway, the parameters have been stable for quite a few months. I do a weekly water change, about 10 % unless the water is cloudy - then I'll change about 25%.

Anyway, yesterday I noticed that one of my neon tetras was hiding under some bogwood and not shoaling with the rest of the tetras as it would normally do. It also didn't come up for food. When it finally appeared, I noticed that it had lost one of its eyes and because of this, it was swimming a bit strangely. Not sure how this happened but am assuming it was a fight between the tetras. It doesn't seem to be infected, the eye socket looks clean.
I've read up a bit about neons losing their eyes and many people have said that it is possible for them to still lead happy and healthy lives but because he's just hiding by himself and not eating, I'm worried that he is suffering.

I'm not sure whether to put him out of his misery or to leave him and hope he comes right.

Anybody have any advice for me on this matter?

Hi, I'm new to this forum so this is my first post. Have been keeping tropical fish for about 6 months and so far, so good.
I have a 115 litre aquarium and in it I have:
1 japanese fighter
2 plecos
9 neon tetras
4 amano shrimp
2 2 month old baby mollies (which I've had since birth in a breeding net - took mother and other babies back to lfs as I didn't want any more babies to deal with)

I keep the temp around 24/25degrees. These fish have all been together at this temp for about 4 months and they all seem very happy and healthy. Occassionally the betta will chase the babies and the neons but they're too fast for him so he never manages to catch them and he also seems to have gotten a bit bored of them now so leaves them alone. The betta is generally a very peaceful and isn't as aggressive as other bettas I've seen.

Water temps are good. PH 7.5, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 40ppm (have been trying to get nitrates lower with water changes but its always the same. I think i need to test the tap water for nitrates) - anyway, the parameters have been stable for quite a few months. I do a weekly water change, about 10 % unless the water is cloudy - then I'll change about 25%.

Anyway, yesterday I noticed that one of my neon tetras was hiding under some bogwood and not shoaling with the rest of the tetras as it would normally do. It also didn't come up for food. When it finally appeared, I noticed that it had lost one of its eyes and because of this, it was swimming a bit strangely. Not sure how this happened but am assuming it was a fight between the tetras. It doesn't seem to be infected, the eye socket looks clean.
I've read up a bit about neons losing their eyes and many people have said that it is possible for them to still lead happy and healthy lives but because he's just hiding by himself and not eating, I'm worried that he is suffering.

I'm not sure whether to put him out of his misery or to leave him and hope he comes right.

Anybody have any advice for me on this matter?


I would leave him/her be.

Whats a japanese fighter?
japanese fighter i think you mean Siamese fighter fish or Betta Splendes (or just betta)

that could of had the eye off the neon, but it's not much of a problem. These fish in the wild live in almost total darkness, and the loss of an eye to them is like us lossing a finger, yes it's annoying.
Add something like melifix or myxazin to stop any infections setting in and with in 5-7 days it should be fine.
there should be no problem at all keep an eye on the fish
when you are feed ing them and see if he/she is eating.
may take a day or 2 before it does.
i have a zebra diano with only one eye and he is all good
and fine.i think it hapened when he was chasing the female she went for him.
i would say your fish will be fine but make sure it does not get infected as it may
harm the other fish in the tank.i also have a betta with my guppies that is non aggressive :)
good luck :)
Thank you all for the advice,

I will leave him be for the while and just watch him closely - and will try to put the meds in to prevent infection too.

(japanese fighter is same as siamese fighter or betta - just different name.)

thanks all

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