One-eyed ID Shark


New Member
Dec 11, 2002
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Bleh. ;) First the fungus, then the ich, then the swollen gills of the Black Tetra, and now I come home and find one of my Irridescent sharks has had one of his eyes pecked out. Or at least, I assume it was taken by another certaintly wasn't floating around that I saw. :sick: So, now I've got him in a seperate little 1 Gal medical tank, with an air stone, daily 50% water changes, Melafix, and some Ich Guard(the stress/open wound has caused him to recontract Ich). Although I don't have a heater for the tank, and it keeps dropping to 60 degrees(F), so when I replace the 50% water, I use 80 degree(F) water to sorta balance it out. He's looking pretty bad, his eye socket is pink and swollen, and the Ich is taking to him like wildfire. Do you think I'd be better of euphanizing him, or will he still have a worthwhile fish-life if he can pull through? I'm not really sure on where to go with this -_-
Any reason why you don't have a heater?

for one thing one of the things that will speed up getting rid of ich is turning the heat up to about 27 - 28C.
Well, I have 2 heaters. One for the 55 gallon tank, and one for the 20 gallon tank, but nothing for the 1 gallon tank I'm using as quarantine. It's only slightly larger than a breeder box, but I wasn't sure where else to put him.

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