One cory dead another on the way


New Member
Oct 3, 2003
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I have recently lost a three striped cory. It didn't seem to move for a couple of day and did not eat, i think it starved. I now have another cory that is just sitting still. It dosn't look discolored but is not very active. This all started after they started breeding (don't know if that has anything to do with it). I appreciate any help.
is your tank fully cycled? do you know the readings for nitrite, ammonia? any other fish in the tank?
Hi stp8809 :)

What did you do to start them breeding? Are they still in their breeding tank or back in their normal tank.

Also, how big is the tank they are in? What kind of substrate is in it and when was the last time you siphoned the bottom? :unsure:
a few thing i forgot to add. I had a flame tetra die about a week ago. The corys seem to have a problem breathing. I have five white cloud mm, a flame tetra and two corys left. I do biweekly 20% changes, all reading are fine same they have been for months. I'm thinking ich the one of the alive corys has a little white by the gill but the dead fish didn't.
Please answer the questions I asked. In addition, do any of the other fish in the tank look like they were sprinkled with salt?
They started breeding after left my window open and didn't have my heater on. The temp droped down to about 67 from 75. I just siphoned the bottom within a week ago which is made up of small gravel( 1/8 to 1/4 inch) they are in a 10 gal tank. No other fish show any problems. I have noticed that the sick cory has long streams of something trailing behind.
stp8809 said:
......I have noticed that the sick cory has long streams of something trailing behind.
Hi stp8809 :)

Well, I was going to ask when the temperature drop happened, but you answered before I could ask. You are right about it starting the corys breeding. That will do it. And 67 degrees is not too low for a cory, because in their natural habitat they spawn when cold water flows down, into their streams, from the melting snow in the mountains. (I wouldn't keep them in that temperature all the time, though.)

A chill could also trigger a bout of ich which looks like someone sprinkled your fish with salt. You would see a lot of little white spots, not just one. If your other fish do not appear to have this, chances are your cory does not, either.

I'm concerned about the spot on the cory and also about the streams of ? trailing behind him. Can you tell where this is coming from? Do you think it is mucus or feces? Do his fins look like they are spotty or getting ragged?
The streams look like it could be mucus coming from the fins and are about an inch long( one from dorsal and one from tail). the fins don't look bad but it doesn't open them up like my other cory so it hard to see.
Hi stp8809 :)

It sounds to me like your fish has fin rot which is a bacterial infection. This often comes about due to stress of one kind or another. There is potential harmful bacteria in the tank at all times (just like we are continuously exposed to germs). If something unusual happens, like your sudden temperature drop, the fish, who is at that point weakened, becomes a possible victim.

If you have a hospital tank, it would be best to move him there for treatment. Buy a medicine from your lfs to treat it.

While he is being medicated, give your tank a good cleaning with special attention to cleaning the dirt from the gravel. Poor water conditions, especially at the bottom of the tank, are often the cause of this condition in corys. Had you asked before the disease reached its present state, a good cleaning might have stopped its progress.
Do you have and suggestions on which medicine works the best or are they all the same? Thanks
Hi stp8809 :)

You might try tetracycline. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is good for bacterial disease. Be sure to take out any carbon that you may be using in your filter because it will remove the medicine from the water.

Please do not get your hopes up for this fish. It sounds like the disease is quite advanced. Before you add the medicine, give your tank a good cleaning and replace some of the water. When you clean, be sure to vacume the dirt out of the gravel. Then you can only hope for the best. :sad:

Good luck!

I hope you don't let this discourage you from keeping fish. Wait until your tank is disease free before adding any more fish, but do get some more corys.
Thanks for all of you help Inchworm.

I don't think i'll be giving up on fish

I'm a little upset but it's a learning experience

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