One Aggressive Zebra Danios


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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Im doing a fish cycle and addded 3 rasbaros and 2 zebra danios. Everything is fine, in the sense that im getting all the reading from my test kit as predicted *high*. There is just one thing. One of the zebra danois is aggresive. He chases everyone around and maybe even nip. Dont exactly know why but i want to do something about it. Chase *as i named him :D* is fun to watch and is the most active amongst all the residents but i dont want the others to get stressed out because of Chase. Any advice as to how i can tone him down? Im still in the cycling process so adding other fish right now might not be an option. Thanks!
Zebra's are really only aggressive because theres not enough of them or their frustrated from the lack of swimming space.
You do need to keep Zebras in a group of at least 6 or more. You will find this is normal behaviour and they will spend all day chasing each other and zipping round the tank. They look as though they are nipping each other but dont do any harm - its just a kind of game of 'tag'. They are great little fish to have and give the tank plenty of movement.

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