On-Line Coral Suppliers!

Dec 26, 2010
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Hi guys,

I think the time has come to start adding more coral. A lot more!

I have an idea of what coral I like (mainly soft and some lps) and would like to know of any decent coral suppliers on the web I can get them off!

My lfs and others in around brum just don't have a decent variety of coral, which is why I'm looking on-line!

Www.Aquaticstoyourdoor.co.uk - seriously mate, they're unbelievably good. Email them and ask for ANYTHING and they will do their upmost to get it! Also very fairly priced. I got a massive finger sponge for £20 and a massive green brain for £30. And they're the best coral in my tank! They have also provided me with fish and anemones that are very healthy. I don't really shop else where unless they can't get what I want. Just email them and ask for quotes on anything!! ;) :good:

Also mailordercorals can be ok, but they are expensive sometimes, don't get ripped off!!
Cheers mate!.......will email them with a list of what I want!

Thanks again!
Just been on they're website. Very impressive. I've just emailed them a large list of coral I want.

Looks like aquatics to your door gonna have another new customer.
:good: yeh they're really great! Let me know how you get on!!

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