ON AVGERAGE, 40 Gallon Cost?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2004
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how much does a 40 gallon cost just the tank, not one with like a stand or anything cause i already got a nice stand. Thanks

Just gimme a estimate
37 gal usually runs about 59-69 bux around where I live.
at ur LFS or like a walmart?

how much are tanks at walmart(40 gallon) does anyone know by any chance?
40 gallons is kind of an odd size.

I've only seen 10 and 55 gallon tanks at Wal-Mart (excluding the minibows and small hexes and such).

If I remember right, at our local Petco, 40 longs (48x13x16) were about $80 and 40 breeders (36x18x16) were about $90. Our Petco's tank prices are generally $5-10 higher than what I can find if I shop around.
You can get a 48 gallon bow front w/ stand at walmart here for like $120. Oh and Canadians 100-120 cnd what is tha like twelve bucks and a pack of gum american :lol:
Wal-Mart kits around here:

10 gallon kit -- $60
55 gallon kit -- $149

Both come with no heater, marginal filters, and cheap plastic hoods. Most of the 10-gallon kits have two incandescent lights, rather than a fluorescent strip.
My 45's cost me $45.00. Brand new. 33's are $35.00. I am in Calgary, Alberta. :thumbs: :D
i think ive decided on like a 40-55 gallon fish tank which i will be starting VERY soon, ill prolly go check out walmart tommarow
NDIrish7 said:
i think ive decided on like a 40-55 gallon fish tank which i will be starting VERY soon, ill prolly go check out walmart tommarow
wal-mart isn't really particularly good equipment. if you shop around some LFS you might find a better kit than wal-mart.

for example the wal-mart 149.99 55G kit isn't nearly as nice as the LFS 55 kit for 149.99 same price but better equipment.
If I can add a suggestion, ...

If you can wait a few days (tough, I know!) and have the willingness/ability to buy things online, you can end up with much better quality equipment for the same price by buying the mechanical stuff (hood, heater, filter) online, and just getting the tank locally.

If you discard the mostly "worthless" stuff in the kits (the dinky net, trial size goldfish food, etc), you're not really saving much money with the kit, even over the component prices at Wal-Mart.

edit: and I agree with what Sky said. Just as an example, even at our notoriously overpriced Petco, there is a Marineland 55 gallon kit with a Penguin filter and heater included for the same price as the Walmart AquaTech kit. Not a huge improvement, but you get a Genuine Penguin rather than the stripped-down Regent filter, and you get an All-Glass aquarium.
Bol said:
If I can add a suggestion, ...

If you can wait a few days (tough, I know!) and have the willingness/ability to buy things online, you can end up with much better quality equipment for the same price by buying the mechanical stuff (hood, heater, filter) online, and just getting the tank locally.

If you discard the mostly "worthless" stuff in the kits (the dinky net, trial size goldfish food, etc), you're not really saving much money with the kit, even over the component prices at Wal-Mart.
Can you list some reasonable sites to purchase goods online?
I've found 1 or 2 but so far they're higher than retail like Dr. F&S

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