on a budget


Fish Fanatic
Nov 1, 2004
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I was woundering if anyone could maybe help with ideas and what not for setting up a fish room/ tank/s that can hold many fish on a budget seeing how i am just a student. Im breaking into the swordtail breeding world and need a way to keep everyone separated so i can tell what fry came from what female and also beable to refer back to which female gave birth to what fry ect. Any comments will be greatly welcomed.

Jesse :fish:
Buy tanks used ie in the local buy and sell you can usually get them for at least half price and with stand and filters. Although garage sale season is pretty much over I've collected tones of good deals over the summer months included filters, sand, plants and what not. The only problem that you might have with buying used aquariums is they might leak I've only had one problem in the past (that was easly corrected with proper amount of silicon ;)) with a leaky tank and with the amount of stuff I've collected you'd most likely assume more. Most people are generally honest with tanks and if you can see set up ahead of time then you are garteened against leaks. What type of budget have you set out for yourself. You should be able to get a 33 gal long with filters and fish for under hundard after everything (canadian).
Its not that i dont have the fish its more i dont have the tank space and allot of funds. The main thing i am looking to do is store allot of fish in a small space. I currently have a 55 gal that i am converting in go a 4 section breeding tank, then im turning my 25 gal into a grow out tank and using my 10 gal for various uses.

Also a1wonder do you anything about bringing fish into the US from Canada, cause i was thinking about going to LPS' up there to increase my gene pool.

Jesse :fish:

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