

I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
That's what I was thinking all the way home from my friends house today after being told by my brother than my last remaining shrimp had died :byebye:

Having been told that the carcass had been removed and binned the last thing I expected to see when I looked in my tank was a shrimp :unsure:

However, that's exactly what I did see :eek: :D

Look like he just moulted and hadn't died after all :rofl:
Jimmy927 said:
oh sorry?
No, it's not a bad thing.

You used all the smileys that represent the emotions I went through from hearing the news to seeing that he was really still alive.
:rofl: I did exactly the same thing with my bamboo shrimp

Saw a 'carcass' and with a small tear in my eye removed it from the tank and then got pounced on by 'the luggage' who was hiding in a nearby plant.
Completely freaked me out :D
At least my brother isn't alone then.

On my way back I said (on the phone) "Are you sure it's not just moulted cos it has been doing a grand job of eating all my algae"

To which the reply was:

"No, I'm sure it's dead, I've not seen it since Friday"


I'm just sooooo glad there's a happy ending!

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