betta_lova said:
Omg!!!!!!! I love you bkk! I love your bettas! The swim bladder fishie was a mustard gas
he was the best of the group! The female mustard gasses were like soooooooo awesome! The plakat seems dead
H'es very pretty doh
i'm reminded of wuv's recent post on going into the pet store and finding one of her bettas had died of neglect...
sigh, i know the problem is the fact that they don't keep them in big enough containers, the plakat is beautiful but he is too big for the plastic cups, the others are still not full grown and it's better for them, but not great, i know they will be sold quickly judging by the fact they phoned me the other day and told me they needed more, a week and a half after i brought them a bunch but still...
they seem like nice people, other breeders i know have recommended them to me in the past, thats why i gave them a chance, but still...
it leaves a nagging thought in my head, i suppose i shouldn't expect any shop to take care of them the way we do at home, and for the most part all the shops around here keep them in comparable containers and at least they change water regularily unlike big al's or petcetera but still...i felt bad for the plakat. last time i was there my wife commented that he didn't look active like before, how could he i guess, when he is in a plastic cup. i noticed that the prize red/black super delta tom dang jr. they decided to keep for themselves as he was in a huge tank, definately enjoying himself but still...
hearing things like that make me question whether i should even sell them or any store more of my fish. i wish it was easier for me to sell my fish by mail, i really do, at least that way they would still be in big enough containers until they were ready to go.
i guess i'm feeling "breeders guilt" right now..questioning the whole process. probably need time to consider everything before selling them more of our fish maybe. or maybe i'm overreacting? i'm confused i guess right now.
bettaluv, if indeed you have one of my fish, take care of it ok?
the rays will develop and they will be incredible fish when mature, just treat em right.