

Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Today i struck Gold.
I went to the gym at work and needed a dew things on the way home

I popped in to get some Millet Sprays for the sparrows that live in the hedge a few houses down.
And went to PAH in Canley
My word they hav improved. I met the new Manager and we chatted for ages. i pointed out all the current errors and explained to her how parrotts are made to look those colors. lets say she almost :sick: :sick: :crazy:

Lovely young Lady - told her about me having to have the store closed for a day by Animal Welfare. and that i no make regular checks on there behalf.
that got her interested in what i had to say.
Well i helped her move the fish that were in the wrong tanks and to reprice som fish that were labelled wrong.

so she thanked me for my help and gave me a Gorgeuos Male Pure Albino Male Paradise Fish for Free. and said whenever i am free please come down and chat with us.


Now heres the best bit.

I forgot to get the Millet Sprays and so popped in a tiny LPS i go to sometimes.

And what do i find.

DTHM Females:

Purple Salamder
Stunning Pineapple Spade Tail
and a Stunning PK Female.


1.50 Each.

I bought all they had, and bookmarked next weeks delivery slot to come and inspect the next shipment of females.

They are all floating in the tank for tonight and wil take pix in the morning.

Guess Wonderlust is gonna be crossed with the Salamder DTHM.
OMG! I am so gonna have to get over my fear of driving round Coventry! :lol:
Omg. you get all the good deals! :p

congrats :D

yep thats right, the beauty of being old enough to drive and on holiday.

also will be collecting some new giants on sunday.










not meaning to cast doubt on your judgment, and i think they are all stunning, but the DT females look like ordinary DT to me, not DTHM, they only appear to be double ray, and don't appear (from the current pics) to have a HM spread. this may be due to the fact that they are still floating in cups at the moment. maybe you could get some pics up when they are in their proper tanks? out of interest, do you have a sorority? or a are all your girls kept separate?
not meaning to cast doubt on your judgment, and i think they are all stunning, but the DT females look like ordinary DT to me, not DTHM, they only appear to be double ray, and don't appear (from the current pics) to have a HM spread. this may be due to the fact that they are still floating in cups at the moment. maybe you could get some pics up when they are in their proper tanks? out of interest, do you have a sorority? or a are all your girls kept separate?

Ahhh Ok, no worries. I just saw them and how big the dorsal was and thought HM's.
Do HMDT have a different type of dorsal when they are DT's.
Never kept DT's before.
I have them in 1 Gallon Cubes as i don't want them to fight with each other.
I want to try the salamder one with wonderlust to see what comes out of the mix.
+ i have another Lush Black Orchid CT i want to try with the Blue DT.

I did have a sorority of 25 Girls, but i have sold them now with complete setups to colleagues at work. they saw mine and wanted me to set them up tanks, so i did.
i have spread the betta madness onto lots of people @ work now, and they all chat about how cute they are and that they have real personalities.
a large dorsal fin is a common sign of being a DT not necessarily anything to do with HM at all,

this is my Gemini who was a DTPK

and Mischief a DTVT

as you can see, both have the distinctive enlarged dorsal

as far as i know, the HM thing is more to do with how many times the rays split, and the overall flare shape of the tail

should get some interesting babies out of that lot! be sure to post pics when you do :good:
Thanks, That DTPK is Lush.

Yeah i think the mixing of genes will create some stunning looking babies. As i do not know the background breeding of wonderlust. I do not know which gene is strongest in his bloodline and genetics.

But if any of them look anything as nice as he does i will be happy.( He's been flaring at his hirror just now as i type and his beard is very nice. Big and Round, no breaks or mishapen. His colors have become more rich and the Ice Blue is just amazing.

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