
That has to be one of the coolest looking fish I have ever seen!!
*sigh...wishes she was rich...sigh*
clover said:
lol if i was a rich girl nananananana :p :lol: :rofl:
See, I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl
No man could test me, impress me, my cash flow would never ever end
Cause I'd have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl :lol:
I saw him yesterday, I knew by morning he would be in here! :lol:

He is so :drool: worthy!
I have a great idea! I think it said theres siblings, you lot sould club your cash together, get a pair and let wuv borrow them :) Then you can all have one!!! Wheeee :cool:
I actually don't find that betta very attractive at all... He is certainly UNIQUE, but I think that finnage makes him look like he just got out of a nasty fight or something. I wont deny that he is beautiful, but I think I prefer my girly vieltails or nice unripped veiltail boys any day ^__^
WOW!!!! That's without a doubt, the best looking betta I have ever seen in my life! I also didn't know they could look like that!

I think it's totally worth that price. If my budget wasn't low ATM, I'd throw down the cash right now :drool:
I'll admit, I've never seen one that looked like that before, but, I'll have to say, I really am liking the plakats more and more everytime I look at them, especially the black and red ones, or the black and copper.

Just my two cents, he is cool though. :cool: but I'm not :drool: yet. Now throw one of those plakats at me, and I'll go nuts and hate my sad financial state even more. :-(
I absolutely LOVE that fish!!If I ever spent that much money on a fish my family would send me to the looney bin..... Oh my gosh I want him really bad! But I just can't... I've got to quit clicking on that picture!!!! and telling myself :no:
I couldnt' bear to ship him across the world to the Uk and the shipping charge would be so much I'd probably have to sell my car!!!
Although........who needs a car when you have a fish like that..... you'd never leave the house! It says there are females too........ spawning anyone?!?!?!
He is pretty unique - but just imagine what he looks like when he has a bad fin day. And it's not as if he can wear a hat :rofl: :rofl:

If I was in Oz i'd have him tho'

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