Omg Yay + Photos - Come Look


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2010
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Ok well, as you all know or most of you, i have been freeking out about my kribs laying as they have been doing the mating signs.
Yesterday after work i noticed mummy in the cave upside down...OMG she was spawning the eggs on top of the cave there and then i saw alot of it and then daddy went in and did the same!!!...There must about about 60 eggs on the roof have uploaded a pic to image shack click and have a look sorry its blury as she kept guarding so its not the best but u guys can still have a look and let me know what you think.......24 hours :) and there all still there maybe 1 or 2 gone but still fluffing them and guarding them so fingers crossed there fertalised and ill have some krib fry soon!!!

Let me know what u think cheers H

:D :) :D



Looking brilliant :good:
Going on what happened with my Lionhead Cichlids, keep a very close eye on the Krib tankmates, as my Lionheads turned usually nasty on everbody in the tank... To the point of death!
well done h :good: :good: :good: let me know how they get on if you want to sell some when they get bigger let me know
cheers jason
Cheers guys, yh Jason will let u no mate!!!...Keeping eye on tank mates all are fine as there swimming around them lol...Cheers carlovel1 for doing it proper lol.
Also can anyone tell me if the eggs are not fertile how long after will they either be eaten or gone?

Its nealy 42 hours and there still there but seem off'ish colour not pure white but not far off i think bit hard to see as in cave, any advice anyone?
Also can anyone tell me if the eggs are not fertile how long after will they either be eaten or gone?

Its nealy 42 hours and there still there but seem off'ish colour not pure white but not far off i think bit hard to see as in cave, any advice anyone?

then daddy went in and did the same

so its more than likely their fertile as the male fertilised them from what you've said above

it takes around 3-4 days for wrigglers (that basically stay in the spawning cave), around a week for proper free swimming wrigglers.

so at this moment in time they are most likely, just about to eat through their eggs.

let me know how it turns out.

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