OMG. When does this nitrite gonna go down?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Great Neck, NY.
It has been over 2 weeks since i started fishless cycle with my 10 gal tank.

My nitrite level has been above the chart for more than a week. (Above 1ppm)

I keep test my tank everyday, and i see same nitrite result everyday which annoys me a lot. :(

I'm adding ammonia everyday, and the ammonia level goes down to 0 in several hours. So, i guess my ammonia spike is done.

I heard that re-seeding bacteria would speed up the nitrite spike going down, so i squeezed the sponge from my goldfish tank.

Does this nitrite ever gonna go down? I heard it's the longest, but i didn't know that it was this long!

If i knew how many exact days it would take to finish this cycle, I wouldn't be this annoyed. :no:
Oh goodness, mine took sooooo long. A few weeks. -_- It was terribly frustrating, especially since I was doing it with fish. :X One day you'll test and it'll be completely gone, it's crazy! :hyper:
Haha.. I see. So, how many days it took to finish your fishless cycle?
I wonder how long Mine will take to finish.
Thx for reply. :)
My fishless cycle took about 17 days, that nitrite seemed like they will never come down. One day they are off the charts, then next day zero!

What temp do you have your tank?
i just finished my first cycle. took about 3 weeks, almost a month. just be patient, they'll go down soon.
2 weeks isnt a long time..i managed one in 15 days once...once that itrrite starts to drop it goes really quick. should be done by next weekend i would imagine
I didnt even get a reading when it came down.

As nitrites went up I was getting readings. Then there was the spike, then one day it was 0.

I check my nitrite 3 times could not beleive it, I thought test was defective!
No sign of going down yet. :(

it's been almost a month, and still no down.

0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, and off-chart nitrite. (over 1ppm)

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