OMG this algae is driving me nuts!


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Yes, I've tried decreasing the lighting time, yes I got to oto cats, but it's still growing. Is there a quick fix to this such as an algae eating snail or something? It's driving me nuts. I have two plants also, and they each get a green coating of algae on them within a few weeks of trimming. It's just pretty ugly right now, and I need some way to clean it all up. Should I take the Plants out? What can I get? Help. :angry:
I would suggest you get at least one more oto as they like to be kept in groups.

Do you use fertilizer for your plants? if you do, cut down on it as they are obviously not using it...

Also, do you add anything to your tank water besides conditioner?

forgot another obvious suggestion, add more plants

plants and algea require the same nutrients. The more plants yu have, the less nutrients are left for algea
to be honest i dont know what you can do about the plants, but if there is algae on the glass of the tank, the easiest method is one of those magnetic scrubbers, they save getting your hands wet!
well i too have a nasty algea problem, reason i dunno

but i have jsut decided to let it go! i think its looking very natural, plus the fish love to graze on it

not everyones cup of tea though
if you only have a thin layer get an GOLDEN AGLEE EATER. I have one and it did a good job. (TIP: have a house for the algee eater because they like shade!!! A broken in half pot should do.)

if you have a thick coat you need to get a TANK SCRAPER. you use it and you wipe down the front.

if it becomes black algee be ready to throw your plants out because that black stuff is mold. i tried to get it off but i couldn't and i threw my plants out.

i hope this gives u tips! ;) ;) ;)
yvez9 said:
I would suggest you get at least one more oto as they like to be kept in groups.

Do you use fertilizer for your plants? if you do, cut down on it as they are obviously not using it...

Also, do you add anything to your tank water besides conditioner?

forgot another obvious suggestion, add more plants

plants and algea require the same nutrients. The more plants yu have, the less nutrients are left for algea
No I don't use fertalizer. I don't even do water conditioner, I just let the water sit out before I change it. More plants, huh? That's a pain :S

No miracle fish or snail I can get? Add an oto, I can do. Can I add 2 or will that be too much for my 10 gal? (See sig)
I have the same sort of problem in my fifty gallon. We have a TON of hard algae covering the sides of the tank- the shrimp can climb up it and attempt to it eat, it's that bad- and the plants are so covered in hair algae they're dying because they can't get enough light. We have a huge array and number of plants compared to our fish- at least seven or eight plants to a single fish.

Why is there so much ALGAE?!
zacharyrapchuk said:
you MUST put water conditiner in there to prevent algee after you get rid of the 1st "algee wave"
All water conditioners normally do is remove chlorine, unless you are talking about a special one I don't know about, but that could potentially damage plants also as Algae uses the same nutrients, etc... that plants do.

Do you have your test kits? How about posting some test results including GH/KH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, etc... and how long your lights are on daily, what plants, etc...

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