Omg Synirr Lol


Aug 8, 2005
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haha, oh my. All this time I had a boy live in my girl tank.. makes no sense at all, but here's the story. I took the girl Keona out of the sorority tank, so there were 3 left. An orangish one, the red one and the dark red one. When I went to put Keona back in after spawning, I took the red one out. All of a sudden the dark red started to attack Keona because she came back, so I took the dark red one out. She's been in a bowl for a while now, and it's a boy! It flares and makes bubblenests like crazy. Now I put it with the new girl which I want to spawn and it's flaring at her and she's showing bars, so it must be a boy!
It's funny cause he looks nothing like he did in the sorority tank, but I am left with 3 girls and 4 boys and really it should be 3 boys and 4 girls... Something happened LOL.
Btw, I have to take the girls apart because they don't get along that well, but that's not a problem, I'd rather them be safe :)
How long were these bettas together before you found out it was a male? Also I wonder why they didn't breed?
LOL I have no idea why he never even made a nest, once I found out he was male cause he chased new comer girl around, and I took him out and put him in a seperate bowl, he decided to make a nest. Weirdo fish haha.
They were all together since like Sept. 20. So a good while.
Pretty Synirr babies.

I have heard of spawn siblings living together for longer periods peacefully. Perhaps too he was a little slow maturing?
haha I don't know because he's in a spawning tank right now with the girl he lived with and he's definetely turned around. He's doing his business like no other fish, showing off, making bubbles. I have no idea what happened there. GIRL POWER lol. 3-1
Haha, too funny. I've learned my lesson, I'm always going to check for ovipositors from now on!!! There was actually a male living with my remaining females until about two weeks ago when I finally jarred the last of them. He acted just like the females, and the only difference is a VERY slightly more pointed anal fin (hardly noticeable), and no ovipositor. He sure had me fooled for a long time! Plakats are tricky, I tells ya.
i had it the other way round- bettaman sent me a white halfmoon double tail male - but a few times it got past the tank divider and started hanging out with my male VT - but luckily nothing happpened. then after a close inspection i realised "he" had an oviposter :huh: so is actually an absolutely gorgeous girl with quite long fins!!
photobucket wont let me put them back to large, they worked fine for me though.

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