Omg Surprise Fry


Fish Herder
Oct 12, 2012
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I had just shut down my computer, put on my pajamas, go to turn off the light in my tank and I find a possibly day old fry in my breeder box (which only has some shrimps and snails in it). This fry is distinctly different than the peacock goby fry I've dealt with in the past, in that it's a bit darker with more bubbly insides and has a unique swim pattern that is shorter body movements more rapidly. I dont see any other fry in the tank, or eggs for that matter under any leaves or on the glass. I wouldn't even know how the fry got in the breeder box.
The only two fish I have in the tank are habrosus cories and kuhli loaches. I thought the two male cories I had were of the homosexual agenda since they only seem to be interested in each other rather than the very plump females I have in there... And I havent seen much of the loaches, though when it's dark I do see them swimming about a lot but none of them look particularly female or some even mature enough. As well there is a lack of photos on loach fry.
I know these are terrible, but any ideas on the ID?

well theres no such thing as a homesexual fish, so it was probaly the cories fry, which would make sense why there in the breeder box becuase cories lay there eggs on the glass as they could of swam up. of course i could be wrong.
I've never seen a kuhli loach fry but that one looks too elongated to be a cory. That would explain how it got into the breeder box if it has holes for it to swim in. But then I could be wrong.
The breeding box is to prevent fry from escaping. I havent seen any goby fry be able to enter the box when they were chilling in the main tank.
It's probably about 24 hours old now and looks about the same as the original pics, perhaps it could take a few days or a week to get to that loach fry state? This fry is tiny. Not even 1mm in width, maybe about 3mm long. I cant see any fins, it's flagella is its only source of movement.
cory fry

hmm it kinda looks like loach fry, idk, you might just have to wait and see.

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