omg people are stupid


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2004
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Central Coast, NSW Australia
it was just before valentine's day and i was in a pet shop that was selling kissing gouramis for $15AUS a pair and these two people wanted to buy some for their friends (i was listening to them talking, as you do). so they picked up this tiny little goldfish bowl and were like "Yeah this'll do." they were thinking of putting two kissing gouramis in a goldfish bowl!! :crazy: hopefully they didnt end up buying them. :(
Thats AWFUL! and what is even more awful is the fact that the people at the store probably didn't even say anything about it!

Just a guess though!
I heard a guy at a pet store yesterday , a college kid claiming he knows his stuff was selling some sort of gar and cichid to go with in a one wek old tank with a Oscar in a 30 gallon tank :S I was pretty upset and put the food I was going to buy back and walked out. :grr:
*sigh* Yea, people are VERY ignorant.
A few weeks ago I was looking at fish and this little girl (about 12 or so) asked a worker "do you all sell algae eaters? I'm not sure what they're called... but they're black." Upon that, the worker took the child to the common pleco tank, and she exclaimed that's what she was looking for. I casually walked over, but stuck my nose in their business as the pleco was being bagged. I mentioned that they can get 2 feet long, and the girl said "wow, really?" as she took the fish and bought it. You know she owns a 10G probably. I have nothing to base that on, but I feel right in saying that there's a 95% chance that pleco went in a 10G.

I would love to own a fish store, and if I did, the tropical and marine fish would be in separate rooms, and the small and large fish would be in separate rooms. Every single tank would hold one species (not 50 fish of 3 different species in a single tank) and every tank would be labeled with a common name, latin name, diet info, adult length, level of aggression, and other tid bits. There would be a huge book at the store entrance full of pictures, info, and descriptions of every fish in my store, and even ones I don't have. IMHO every store that sells fish (be it a pet store or walmart) should have this set up, or something similar. This would reduce poor purchasing by so much. Hopefully people think twice when information is shoved in their face.

Sorry to get on such a role, but human ignorance really fires me up. :<
One of the LFSs I go to has labels on each tank saying how big the fish get, required tank size, food, compatibility etc. That said, their fish look like crap and I wouldn't buy fish there if you paid me....

Once I was there and there was a platy without a tail, another platy with 1/2 a tail and 3 dead platies on the bottom of the tank.... :no:
That's sad, Chooklet :(

I have never been to a store that had all that info labeled. Around here they have the common name and the price on the tank and that's it.

One tank is labeled panda cories, but for the past 3 months they have only had green cories in it. That's been driving me nuts.
My petsmart is awesome. They have a ton of fish, cihclids tropical and goldfish all labeled. And tell a lot about them. They even give u advise but Id rather get it here.

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