Omg People Are So Stupid.


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I was on another fish forum. I saw an answer to a question about what type of algae eater would be good for a 1Gal tank with 2 female bettas in it already. Well 2 females or 2 of any fish is just wrong in a 1 gal tank.

But to make matters worse this girl writes. Plecos work good for me but they grow as big as the tank is. SO you have a small tank it will not grow that big. Then she goes on to say bettas are crazy killer fish.

ANY WAYS... I was just horrified at how awful and misinformed this girl was. All she has to do it a quick search and read a little bit to learn about the type of fish she keeps. I don't get it..

Then another girl said Bristle nose plecos only get to be 2 inches long and that could work in a 1 GAL TANK...!

SO of course I had to correct them.

Sorry I just had to vent. :crazy:
I'm afraid to say I think I can guess what site, but I won't get into that.

All the pet keeping hobbies fight the very same battle, you should hear my girlfriend go on about the horrible advice pet stores give for guinea pigs, including common products sold as "must-haves" that virtually guarantee a shortened life. Ancient misconceptions, out of date information, and outright wives' tales get handed out as standard advice from pet stores, books, even breeders who most certainly know better.

Usually I say that as hobbyists it's our job to "fight the good fight" and make sure the right information gets into people's hands, but every once in a while somebody even on this forum will give out such epically bad advice (I can think of two posters in particular who gave aggressively bad advice relating to ammonia and pH) that I'm reminded that the fight will probably never be won.
The site is Yahoo ask and answer. I feel like the smartest person on there sometimes. But for every 4 bad post there are like 1.5 good ones. OR almost good ones.

Your so right misinformed people are every where, and it's not just about fish. The sad thing is these people don't even try to get the facts straight and just assume. So many people are just too lazy to do their own research. In the end they suffer for it.

All I guess we can do is just try and help by pointing people in the right direction when we can. :unsure:

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