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kaz petts

Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ossett, nr Wakefield, West Yorks England
Hi all,
This is more of a share the distress rather than an emergency.

My hubby has just shouted me downstairs with real emergency in his voice. I dropped what I was doing and ran downstairs to find my hubby with my fish net and a fish in it.
Apparently the baby (2 years old) had managed to get my fish net, lift my tank lid with one hand and fish with the other. She had netted Sinatra my favourite betta.
Apparently baby has been outside for the last hour or so, so poor sinatra has been in the net, on our lounge floor for at least an hour if not longer. Thankfully he is still alive, unfortunatly we have a dog and our carpet needs a vaccum so there is a few dog hairs on the carpet. Sinatra was covered in them but I needed to get him back in the tank ASAP. Most of the hairs have already come off him and I have removed them from the water, he still has some attached which I am hopeing will come off in time and not hinder his swimming abilities.
This is not the first time she has done this, the other 2 kids found a dead guppy on our lounge floor yesterday and I thought I had put the net out of her reach (obviously not) I have now though it is on top of my cabinet.
Hopefully Sinatra will be ok. I have put some stress coat in the tank and will put some Melafix in just in case he has any fin damage I can't see. I am soooooo glad that these fish are able to breathe air or Sinatra would have been an ex betta. I will be really upset if he dies he is my favourite fish.
What and event! Thankfully he is ok, that would be a very tragic loss. Good to hear the beautiful guy has survived his hairy ordeal. :)
He still has quite a few hairs on him but he seems to be back to his usual self dominating the tank and letting those around him (who chased him when introduced back to the tank) that he is ok and won't stand any nonsense from them. He has never once been really nasty to any of his tank companions but he does put them in their place.
I will keep an eye on him, if the hairs don't come off him too easily I will have to remove him from the tank and physically take them off him. I hope I don't have to do this though as he has been through enough.
Didn't realise how much i loved this fish until tonight. Doh soppy me!!!!!!!!!
p.s here he is in all his fine splendor.
I noticed that u hav a tetra in the tank with your betta, i have heard that they chase bettas and nip there fins, then swim away and they r to fast for the bettas to catch, does this hapen in ur tank?
Not from what I have seen.
Sinatra is the king in this tank. It is his domain and he will not stand any nonsense from any of them. He is not a bully.
All my fish seem to get on fine with each other. I keep gouramis in there with him too and have never had any problems from any of them. They all seem to know their own place and feed all together without arguing.
Hope Sinatra will be OK! :sad:

This must be a common interest for toddlers. My 2 year old nephews and 3 year old niece are fascinated by my fish tanks. The 2 year old points to the tank and says "open," and I've actually caught the 3 year old trying to open the tanks before too. I just can't make them understand that you can't "hold" the fish. :blink:
Sinatra is fine (thankfully). He is back to his usual self, being the king of the community tank, putting 'naughty' fish in their place. He has a tendancy to stick up for the underdog. If for instance a guppy is being bullied by another fish he will chase off the bully but if that fish doing the bully was to be bullied by something different then he will again chase off the one that is doing the bullying. Perhaps I should have called him PC Plod or something on those lines as he seems to police the tank, he seems to make a point of making sure the community is peaceful and happy. He even 'told' off the Elephant Nose which is at least 3x bigger than he is and the EN took head and backed off.
All this after his ordeal yesterday.

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