Omg, I Feel So Bad!


Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I was siphoning some poop out of my 20 gallon (amano shrimp poop a lot) and I had just gotten a pair of german blue rams yesterday, and they're not shy at all. They were following my hand around in the tank and I had taken large tube end off of the siphon and was just using the tubing (for precision) and I wasn't paying attention and the tubing jerked like it got blocked off and I though I sucked a fish up the siphon, like one of my cherry barbs. But there was no fish in the tubing or the bucket and no one looked 'off' or anything and thought I might have put my finger over the end of the tubing and didn't realize it, or something. I was looking at my female ram and there was a circle mark on her side, the same size of the siphon tubing! Is she gonna be okay? D:
She should be fine as long as she is swimming around properly. You should see the nice circle a 3/4" pvc siphon leaves on the side of a large angel. Water changes are the best healing medicine there is for injuries.

She is bound to be a little skittish, dim the lights for a day lighting the tank with just room light. This will help reduce stress.
Oh, that's good. I bet if the siphon had hit her at any other angle she would have gotten her fins ripped pretty good. And she's not acting skittish or anything so it must not have phased her too much ~___~
I was worried about doing that very thing, so I cut off the end of an old pair of (summer-weight) tights, st-r-e-t-ch-ed it over the end of the siphon, secured it with an elastic band and hey presto! no sucked-up fish!


Mind you, I was doing that when emptying the tank of some water - but for cleaning purposes, that may/will stop some of the detritus being sucked up, so maybe the end of an old fishnet (!) stocking might do the trick?


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