omg help me save my guppies

Ace Rimmer

Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Australia - Brisbane

I believe two of my guppies have got the following

These are nematodes, also called roundworms or threadworms. The most commonly seen in guppies is Camallanus, which can reach up to 2 cm in length. They are reddish-brown or orange, and can be seen protruding from the anus like a tiny paintbrush. These worms are occasionally seen in guppies that have been kept in ponds and fed live Cyclops. Cyclops can also be introduced with new live plants, so make sure to wash your new plants thoroughly before adding them to your tank. Camallanus nematodes are capable of passing from one fish to another. It may be advisable to destroy the infected fish, unless it is a valuable breeder, and use an anthelmintic treatment on the tank.

I had one guppy die about 4 - 5 days ago but didn't show any of those symtoms but now two have bulged eyes and the red thing from there anus :sick:

are all my guppies doomed

will my cories be infected too


its a disaster :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
:-( Sorry to hear this Ace! :-( Do u have a quarantine tnak to put ur guppies into? R there not a treatment for worms? :( :X

Sorry couldn't help much. but Good luck!
I also had an intestinal worm problem a while back, two new fish I brought home were carrying them. I used Discomed by Aquatronics, it's added to your food, really simple to use, and works like a charm. As for the the popeye, it's more than likely a result from poor nutrition weakening the fishes immune system, as the worms are stealing quite a bit of the vitamins and nutrients from your fish. I would suggest you add multivitamin like Vitamix Plus (also by Aquatronics) in the meantime to help supplement the loss of vitamins. Hope your fish get better! I think the website is
Good advice Mogo. This sounds like a terrible parasite. Hope i never get it.

Ace good luck buddy, with a little research and some TLC, i think your fish will make it through this.
cheers for the advice guys

well they all made it though the night in one piece will have to go have a look for the stuff you suggested now :)

poor fish :-( :-(
No problem Ace, anytime :) The Discomed contains two anti-parasitic meds (Piperazine and Levamisol) to kill of the worms, and also contains a broad spectrum antibiotic (Neomycin) to help keep the secondary infections at bay. If you cannot find the Discomed, just look for another proprietary med that contains either the pipe or leva. You could also get some Neomycin as well, I would recommend another antibiotic but I don't know the if there will be any "complications" off hand, so I would just do the Neomycin to be safe. Need any more help, let me know. Keep me posted on how things are going.

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