OMG Disgusting State of Tanks


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2004
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Ok, so my filter died last night, & no good lfs's are open here on the weekends, so stupid me goes to my old really bad one that sold me a terrible combo of fish, an overstocked tank, gravel with shells/coral grit in it, told me nothing about cycling, to do water changes of "1/4 every month or 2" blah blah blah his idiocy goes on.

So anyways, I took this filter back to him coz I thought it might be under warrantee still (it's only 3months old). He didn't stock any other filters, but gave me a "new" one which turns out has been used but at least it works.

Anyhoo - the state of his tanks was DISGUSTING!! The bettas in their tiny little holding cells had brownish green water, fins/tail eaten away (I suspect finrot), there were dead fish in almost every one of his tanks (which looked like they, too, got very rare water changes), none of the tanks had heaters or lights, the all angels had bent/broken/crushed fins (you know the long ones?), there were at least 2 platies showing obvious signs of dropsy, & he was selling "discofish" (yes, painted glassfish). :-( There were about 5 birds crammed into a little cage built for one, they were all looking stressed. There was no food or water in the puppy/kitten cage. The only remaining kitten had chew marks on it from the puppies, & the whole place STANK!!! :sick: Oh yeah, & he was trying to sell a common plec to a guy buying a 5 gal tank for a betta (I think he felt sorry for them). He refused to buy the plec, & insisted on getting the 5gal for the betta even though the shop guy told him he'd do fine in "this lovely little vase" (couldn't have been more than 1/2 gal if that). Coulda hugged the guy when he refused lol.

This place isn't a chain, it's a small "family owned" business that supposedly cares for its animals. I wanted to slap the guy (I gave him a good telling off instead but I don't think he understood or even listened). Anyways, just thought I'd rant, & ask what you guys do when you come across something like this?? I wish I'd have had a camera to take pics of it all & send to the RSPCA (Royal Society for Protection against Cruelty to Animals, or something like that). But then, I thought, the poor little guys would just be destroyed anyways. I wanna adopt them all :sad:


ok, I'm done.... :*)
They keep puppies with kittens?!?!?!??!

If you call animal control and tell them what's happening, they will make a surprise visit to the shop and if they see that dogs have no food or water they will likely make the guy improve the living conditions of the animals then if they do not improve they can close him down.
well the lights an heaters thing I can understand. my LFS (which has very nice tanks) has a master lighting thats above all the tanks but isn't for one tank. and none of them have heaters it's done inside the central filtration system.
Well, I don't know how he thinks he does it, Sky, but these tanks (well all 3 tanks that i felt were cold as - he has aircon for himself, but apparently no heaters for his fish.

Auratus, that's a blimen good idea. But I believe they've inspected him before & he's still open so I guess he passed. GAH!!
that's terrible!

Auratus' suggestion is good - this agency might have made a visit after they warned the shop that they were coming. Unfortunately some agencies have to do that, and the shop makes things super sparkling for 1 day only. A surprise visit could change things.

It's also effective to tell all your friends, neighbors, acquaintances, drinking buddies, total strangers, clergyman, relatives, etc. not to shop there, and go into detials about conditions, etc.
I would definately call the spca or humane society(whichever one is near you) again. I recently found a store with similar conditions, and a friend referred me to the right place to call. For the time being this guy is behaving himself because his last store was already shut down, but its only a matter of time before old habits resurface. On a follow up call I made to them I found out that every week since I called they have been popping by. So eventually he will be caught if he does go back to his old ways. I normally like to mind my own business and not get others into trouble, but if you mess with animals you mess with me big time. :grr:
urgh, I've seen a couple of stores like this :(

A few things you can do -
1. Contact the RSPCA, inform them of the situation

2. Inform the council - most stores in the UK need council permission, if the person is allowing animal cruelty there (not cleaning the tanks, having injured animals like the kitten, the birds having stress etc) it is against the law and the council could have their licence removed

3. Inform the police - they may not be able to do much but if you inform them that animal cruelty is taking place there they may be able to have words with the owner for you

4. Inform the local vet - this may sound unrealistic but pet stores in the uk DO need approval from a veterinary practise, if the store is that bad the vets may be able to send someone out to the store
ladynaoko said:
2. Inform the council - most stores in the UK need council permission, if the person is allowing animal cruelty there (not cleaning the tanks, having injured animals like the kitten, the birds having stress etc) it is against the law and the council could have their licence removed
all good suggestions. I thought I might tell you a bit about what legislation entails.

first they have to apply for a license (in th Uk anyway) and then they are inspected every so often (I think when its time for the license to be renewed) every two years. so he may be time for an inspection. this might lead to his closure. unfortunately they give a time and a date for the inspection so he might clean up first.

With the quote above, injured animals are allowed on site but they have to be taken off sale, I believe, and isolated. they certainly are where I work.

the guy has to comply with minimum stocking densities. There are certain sizes of cage/howmany animals can be kept on the premises according to floorspace/ etc. There arent any stocking minimums for the fish but it sounds like he is in violation with the birds. "the bird must be able to stretch his wings without his head hitting hte top and his tail feather off the floor." there are dimensions which sound pretty small but they are big enough for the temporary housing. report him to the RSPCA, Trading Standards, the local newspapaer, basically anyone who will listen!
That sound very much like a pet store in Acton (West London), the whole shop stinks to high heaven, the tanks are all stained with very thick algae with floating fish and diseases etc.
Also, if the guy was reported before maybe the RSPCA will think twice about allowing him to stay open. The more calls made about this situation, the more likely something will be done.

I cant believe that kind of situation. Why do they get into the business anyway? Oh ya MONEY. I agree with an earlier post, when you mess with animals you mess with me! We have a chain store throughout the U.S. that has a routine of putting in several fish tanks and the "holding cells" :-( for their dying bettas too. The fish are always covered in ich or dead ones stuck to the filter intake, just awful. They dont provide service either. I would report what I could also. I know sometimes it doesnt help right away but maybe enough little voices will be heard. Angel
Angel's Fab Fish
a place by my old house had illegal snakes. he was shut down (couldnt be much differnt just call the humain whatever.... whatever....
Thanx everyone. I'm from Queensland, Australia.....ooh another Aussie I don't believe it!! My Fallen Angel - I'm in a little place about 4 hrs north of Brisbane. Anyhoo, I don't know much about the laws here but seems to me this has to be in breech of 1 or 2 (million) of them. Rang up the local animal refuge this arvo coz I didn't know the number of anyone more useful. They gave me the RSPCA number which I will call tomorrow. Thanx again all :)
terrible.........please ring the rspca or some other animal welfare place queeng.......if no one complains (through ignorance or apathy) nothing will be done but if someone starts complaining eventually someone has to take notice. & hey even if nothing is done quickly at least you'll know youve done a little bit to help the poor animals & fish.

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