Oldest Fish..


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2005
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Anybody got a fish that they've had for years & years?

What is it?

And how big has it grown to etc... ?
I think this should be moved to the chit chat section.

My oldest fish would be:
4 Lemon Tetras
and my 2 Black Skirt Tetras.
Technially my lemon tetras are older by 10 days. 2 of the lemon tetras are my first fish and are 2.5" at 6 years old. The other 2 are the fry of the original and are now 1 year old.
My Black Skirt Tetras are also 6 years old and are 4" each.
I think this should be moved to the chit chat section.

My oldest fish would be:
4 Lemon Tetras
and my 2 Black Skirt Tetras.
Technially my lemon tetras are older by 10 days. 2 of the lemon tetras are my first fish and are 2.5" at 6 years old. The other 2 are the fry of the original and are now 1 year old.
My Black Skirt Tetras are also 6 years old and are 4" each.

Sorry, posted in wrong section by accident.

Nice to see you've got some old fish :nod:
I've only been keeping fish since early June 2005 - but it would be my Torpedo Barb.
I once had a red eye tetra for 11 years..

Blimey that is a good age. Its funny you should mention that particular fish - my cousin who started keeping fish about 6 years ago only just lost his Red Eye Tetra the other week.
I have had a ghost carp (now in my parents pond) for around 18 years now. She's got quite big!
I have someone in my fish club that has a Giant Gourami. It is about the same age as me, I think it is 24 years. Everytime I see it I stare in amazement.
Malcolm, my sailfin is 8, I haven't had him very long though. He's a small one for 8, about 10 inches - but he seems to have grown since he went into the 6ft last week.....I think he spent his life in a 2ft until I got him.

I think that because the guy that I bought him off said "wow, nice tank" when he saw my 3ft where Malc went until the 6ft was ready.....
My Red Devil Hanibal is just over 6 years old now. He is about 10 inches long.
I had a Silver Arowanna that lived 10 years. I had to keep buying bigger and bigger tanks, ending up with a 240 gallon tank 8 feet long.

One day, he was dead with no sign of sickness or anything. I think he banged his head one too many times on the top of the tank.

If I remember correctly, he was 27 inches long and weighed 6 lbs.


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