Old Tank, New Set-up.


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
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Lancashire GB
Hi All, i previously had a disaster with my last set-up, which i can assure you that it will not be happening again.
( i went away for a fortnight and forgot to get credit for my pre-payment electric meter! Worked out all electric went off day after i was away The current meter was in the house when i moved in. I have informed the electric company and they are sorting out when to come and change the meter to a standard one.)
After the tank has sat empty in my living room for the last 6 months, i have decided to have refill, re-stock and a re-think.

Tank is Jewel rio 300L open topped
Tetratec 1200 external filter, filled with standard media of sintered glass, foam sponges and filter floss.
2 x 200w heaterstats, temp 74
2 x 55w 24'' compact lights (over the centre of the tank)
Max 1'' play sand on bottom (washed)
3 medium size pieces of bogwood with a Few hardy plants attached - Java fern and Anubis anana
P.H 6.9 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0

I would like to have a few different types of cories, ie pepperred, panda and schwartzi

The tank has now been running for just a week with just water in it, could i add 10 pepperred cories to start the tank off? I am aware that 10 may seem a lot, but it is a big tank or am i just being too eager?
I was planning to cycle the tank with these fish, however, if the LFS could supply me with some filter bacteria,that would be an added bonus.

What would be a good companion for the middle of the tank? I would rather have 2-3'' size of fish than Adult Angelfish size. I am not too keen on neons or guppies, something slightly larger maybe. Again, preferably 1 species of shoaling fish

Your thoughts would be greatly received thanks
Angelfish, Cory's, 1 or 2 Plec's & some Rummynose Tetra's.

I can't answer the question re: adding to the new tank setup, sorry!

I have a link at home to a Youtube video with a tank which I think looks really cool and has the above stocked.
YOU dont want to cycle a tank with corys or any fish but definately not corys - you will end up and lose them all unless you do lots and lots of water changes as soon as ammonia or nitrites go over 0

Have a look at fishless cycling in newbie section - if your doing fish in cycling look at that section to

also look at members willing to donate mature media in your area to start your tank off
YOU dont want to cycle a tank with corys or any fish but definately not corys - you will end up and lose them all unless you do lots and lots of water changes as soon as ammonia or nitrites go over 0

Have a look at fishless cycling in newbie section - if your doing fish in cycling look at that section to

also look at members willing to donate mature media in your area to start your tank off
Sorry to upset many people hear, i have been a fish keeper for 35+ years and always cycled my tanks with the fish that i intended to keep in them. i admit that the stocks are always a lot lower whilst it is cycling and gradulally built up after.
I have sucessfully kept and bred discus and angelfish and used to sell them to our lfs.
I am well aware of the cycling process and how/what to do.

the above post was done as i am setting a tank up basically just for the cory species.
As posted i only wanted cories in the tank, with another species to break up the blank space in the middle.

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