Old Nano, New Nano


Fish Crazy
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hampshire. UK
Into a tank of 90l I'm adding a sandbed from a cycled system and freshly mixed water at the correct temperature. If I put the contents of my old nano (35l, fully cycled, lots live rock) in, will the new tank need to cycle again? The proportion of 'new water' over old would be more than 50%, would this harm my small blenny and even smaller goby?
Well, I don't have the experience really to imagine all the ramifications it could have, but as no one else responds, i would say it is roughly like adding more sand and doing a large waterchange at the same time.

When you buy a fish it will also get a 100% water change (from the bag into your tank). I would only check if something unexpected happens but ammonia and nitrites shouldn't go up much, maybe below 0.25 ppm each.
It'll be fine.

The key is getting the water the right SG / temp in the new tank IMO as it's the change in parameters which stresses the fish more than anything. I'd just mix up the water in the new tank a day in advance of making the move, then add everything else in.

Plenty of people do large water changes up to around 50%.

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