RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Hi there
I have a peppered cory thats at least 7 years old (what the last owner could remember when i adopted him) could be older he was kept in a tank at 30 degrees before i got him - now he's kept at 24-26 (fluctuates with lights on)
I've had him a few months and he's been doing weird things since i got him
He (could be female) swims and plays normally and then will sit with his tail end propped under a log and sort of goes to sleep floating there - looks half dead - no rapid gill movements or anything
He eats normally and seems very healthy apart from when he does the weird half dead sleeping thing after playing , he's at least 3" in length
he;s in a juwel rio 180 with juwel compact filter and fluval 3+
water stats 0 ammonia , 0 nitrite , nitrate never above 10-15 , ph 7.2-7.4 , 40-50% water changes a week , temp 24-26
STOCKING in siggy
Could it be old age - how long do they live
Thanks Sarah xxx
I have a peppered cory thats at least 7 years old (what the last owner could remember when i adopted him) could be older he was kept in a tank at 30 degrees before i got him - now he's kept at 24-26 (fluctuates with lights on)
I've had him a few months and he's been doing weird things since i got him
He (could be female) swims and plays normally and then will sit with his tail end propped under a log and sort of goes to sleep floating there - looks half dead - no rapid gill movements or anything
He eats normally and seems very healthy apart from when he does the weird half dead sleeping thing after playing , he's at least 3" in length
he;s in a juwel rio 180 with juwel compact filter and fluval 3+
water stats 0 ammonia , 0 nitrite , nitrate never above 10-15 , ph 7.2-7.4 , 40-50% water changes a week , temp 24-26
STOCKING in siggy
Could it be old age - how long do they live
Thanks Sarah xxx