Old ,ill Or Dying Peppered Advice Please


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Devon - UK
Hi there

I have a peppered cory thats at least 7 years old (what the last owner could remember when i adopted him) could be older he was kept in a tank at 30 degrees before i got him - now he's kept at 24-26 (fluctuates with lights on)
I've had him a few months and he's been doing weird things since i got him

He (could be female) swims and plays normally and then will sit with his tail end propped under a log and sort of goes to sleep floating there - looks half dead - no rapid gill movements or anything
He eats normally and seems very healthy apart from when he does the weird half dead sleeping thing after playing , he's at least 3" in length

he;s in a juwel rio 180 with juwel compact filter and fluval 3+
water stats 0 ammonia , 0 nitrite , nitrate never above 10-15 , ph 7.2-7.4 , 40-50% water changes a week , temp 24-26
STOCKING in siggy
Could it be old age - how long do they live

Thanks Sarah xxx
hi sarah

pepped corydoras usally live for 10-15 years
and the size uv stated is defo a female,
i have a bronze female only 1 year old now from a past spawning and it sleeps with its head on the bottom and tail in the air and a few times now iv thought it was dead, but every corydora do differnt thing wich make then Unique
and is one of the reasons i like em so much :good:
by the sounds of it i dont think its anything to worry about
thanks hun , she seems so happy most of the time just does that whenever shes been active for a while - not had corys long so i'm glad of the advice :)
she is getting towards old age then i think i might buy 2 more peppereds cos she certainly woke up and was more active when i added the one extra peppered even though its only small
she loves to play with the other corys just not for long lmao
i spoke to the guy again that used to have her and he said she's definatly older than what he thought (7) cos he had the tank for 10 years and she was one of the first fish he purchased
I dont really care how old she is as long as she's happy and healthy - i've added sand on top of the shallow gravel in the aquaone and the juwel now so all the tanks with corys in have either a layer of sand or are all sand to keep their barbs ok - she's got one barb thats slightly worn down but the others are fine :)

Thanks again sArah

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