Old fishkeeper who downsized

Alice B

Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2022
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
There was a day when there were 13 aquariums in my house, and that may not have been the high point. There was salt and fresh and cichlid and tropical. Goldfish and koi are in separate ponds. I still have the ponds.

I adopted some neon tetras a few years ago and put them in my hex tank without realizing they'd not been quarantined and they were sick. neon tetra disease took most of my tropicals in 2018 and 2019. In June 2020 I tore down most of the tanks, moving my guppies and a pair of albino BN plecos into the hex (which I had already bleach and cycled), and the rest of the guppies and other pleco pair into a 29 with a couple of sponge filters. And there everything sat, until December 2021.

I bought a 55 in Decmeber 2021 and cycled it with 5 guppies. Undergravel filtration, gravel that was sterilized and sat outdoors thru 2 winters. It's cycled. Added a pair of plecos and a cave with hopes. The male in the 29 killed his girlfriend when I put a cave in there, so I'm down to one female. And the clown pleco is in there. too

The 29 fish are who moved to the 55 after it cycled and I bought 3 bronze cories, 6 juvenile julii cories, 3 mollies and 2 male fancy guppies and quarantined in the 29. I moved one of the guppies to the 55 after about a month.

I quarantined and adopted (rescued) 3 tetras that needed a home and they went in the hex with the plain guppies and are enjoying birth control duties. I've got my daughter's loach in there too, can't catch him when she is here. If I see a snail he goes to that tank.

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