Old Bogwood


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
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Does bogwood overtime cause problems in your tank I have had some pieces for at least 10+ years but my tank just seems to have lost it's magic recently I've started suffering from Cyno ......................................again and the bogwood seems to get it badly, any advice welcomed.
if i were you i would take it out and boil it cause i imagine over time a lot of bacteria and stuff can build up on it since it doesnt get regularly cleaned like the rest of the tank.
Some woods will start too rot after a while. Depending on how big the wood is (ie, how expensive it is to replace) it might be a nice excuse to have a little re-scape with some new wood :) After all, 10 years is a long time, might be time to retire it ;)
Some woods will start too rot after a while. Depending on how big the wood is (ie, how expensive it is to replace) it might be a nice excuse to have a little re-scape with some new wood :) After all, 10 years is a long time, might be time to retire it ;)

Sounds good to me :)

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