old betta in new tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
northern IL

i got my 10 g tank from a friend of mine about 5 days ago. i let it cycle for that period of time (it was cycling before i got it). then last night when i added him to the tank he was fine for about 2 minutes, then he started to flair his fins and his gills at everything in the tank. i don' t know why this is happening. :dunno: can you all explain this?

cat.fish said:

i got my 10 g tank from a friend of mine about 5 days ago. i let it cycle for that period of time (it was cycling before i got it). then last night when i added him to the tank he was fine for about 2 minutes, then he started to flair his fins and his gills at everything in the tank. i don' t know why this is happening. :dunno: can you all explain this?

to your betta this is new territory :)
and tanks have several different reflective surfaces (depending on background, etc.)
to him, everyone is a thret :shifty: including other fish, his own reflection and even sometimes brightly coloured ornaments :rolleyes:
he should gradually become aquanted and comfortably in his new suroundings
this is perfectly normal and healthy behavior :nod:
when he does get comfy its a good idea to produce a mirror (or he might just keep up the flaring at the walls) :lol:
:flex: flaring is a good exercise for a betta
also, providing him with a small airstone or some small source of current will give him hours of exercise swimming upstream or playing in bubbles :fun:
just make sure these are small since bettas like to have there still water
if you chose to have a current, then add some dense plants to the other side of the tank for sleeping, or resting ;)

HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! :- :mama: :flowers:
If he's flaring he's happy and healthy and like Pointy said he's establishing his new territory. Sounds like he's having a good time! :lol:
Yep, he's just flaring at his reflection and anything else he sees as a threat to his fishhood, hehe. It's a good thing, so don't worry about it :)


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