I had this betta for almost 5 to 6 months and I'm pretty sure he is already at least a year old and every morning when I take the towel off his tank that keeps his tank warm at night and I always find him sitting on the bottom breathing slow breaths then after I turn the lamp on above him after about 5 minutes he starts moving his side fins beside his gills then he takes a big yawn and starts slowley moving around the bottom of the tank and this happens like a 6:00am when I get up for school then and he continues to slowley move around the bottom of the tank until I go to school after that I don't know what he does but when I get home he is moving around. Also my other 2 bettas are already at the top of the tank moving around and is already looking at me when I unwrap the towel around the other to tanks. So is this old age or something else? Also sorry for the long post but I'm just worried since he is the only one that does this.