Okay guys, some of my best photos


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
Okay here's my baby Blood Parrot his name is Baby Polly, isn't he/she a DOLL!
You can see him changing to his adult color orange already!

Here is my larger Blood Parrot begging for food, he is such a little piggy!!
His name is Big Polly: :*)

And here is my only pepper cory, I think it's a pepper?, I just call him the "spotty guy"

The Cory is not a peppered, C. paleatus, looks more like a C. trilineatus to me, but no doubt one of the catfish types will confirm of deny that.
Thanks lateral, I've often wondered what he was!!! :*)

I see him/her WAY more often then I see my 2 pandas. :nod: 8)
such a little piggy!!

That quote reminds me of a South Park episode where Cartman goes to the opticians to get a pair of glasses..

Back to the topic...

That second picture is absolutely stunning!

He is a cute little guy, full of energy and character, I really love him bunches :wub: :*)


I know that I'm going to be guilty of pulling a Freshmike here,.....buuuuuut does anyone think he may be competition material or should I try to get a better shot!??? :*)

Sorry FM :lol: but it worked for you...... :rofl: :p ;)

:flex: :whistle:
oh goodness, those faces!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: i love their little faces!!!!!!! great shots silver.
Thanks guys.......looks like my big Polly made it into the competition....YAY!!!! Oh well for baby Polly, better luck next time ;)

I took these shots before I fed them so they were more than happy to beg!!!! I should call them big Fido and baby Fido!!!

Gosh, Silver, that picture of Big Polly is so cool! It is the contrast of the blue and the orange -- so vivid and clear. You always take beautiful photos.

Btw, I think maybe your cory is reticulated (corydoras reticulatus). Hers's a link:
Reticulated (Network) Cory

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