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Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2006
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Manchester UK
Live rock 20k - £169 - http://www.live-rock.co.uk/buy_premium_live_rock.htm
Skimmer - £79 - http://www.urmstonaquatics.com/marineskimmers.html
Water -£50 - From lfs (I know it would be better to buy my own unit however messing with te pluming in the rented house is not an option :( )
Power heads -£137 - http://www.swelluk.com/marine/special-offe...rice-1037.html#
(I know what was said about it being a slightly lower turn over than required, but as I mainly wish to keep LPS corals it may be ok,if not I will add another powerhead when I need to.
10kg Base Rock -? Cant seem to find any on the web any links?
Substrate 120lbs - £100 - Seems to be a little on te expenive side? can find the link atm,any suggestions on where to get this?
Lights - £130 http://www.aquacave.com/detail.aspx?ID=706 -Again living in a rented house prevents me from drilling roof/wall
Other bits n bob - eg.) Test kits, hydro/refract

I have heaters and a tank (240ltrs).

So I think that after this I will have a tank that will support LPS corals and a few (understocked) fish.
Any comments please shoot away!
Greg :good:
prism skimmer = bad
Maxi-jet = good (but look into hydor koralias, tunze nanos,and/or seio super pumps)
Aquacave is an american site and current is an american company. Are there any european companies that make lights?
no one has anything good to say about them, most people turn theirs into footballs. I heard from someone that even red sea is starting to admit they suck. And for that price you can get something much better.
Not speaking from personal experience but every review I have read about the prism skimmers has been bad.

RO Water - You do not have to do anything permenant to your pipes to fit one. You can get a Y adaptor that goes on your washing machine line and then get a reduce to go from the Y adaptor to the tube that goes to the RO unit. To fit all you do is turn the water off on the washing machine line. Unscrew the tube that connects the main pipe line to the washing machine (the blue plastic one), screw the Y adaptor on to the pipe, screw the washing machine tube back on to one of the Y connectors and the reducer on the other and you are good to go.

http://www.ro-man.com/shop/product_info.ph...11ec6e796076582 36GPD RO unit for under £50, including the fittings and postage it probably will come to about £60 so will pay for itself in a short amount of time. This is the way I connected mine because I didnt trust the other fitting method :)

Base Rock - If you have a LFS near you that does marine stuff they will probably be the best source (you might find cheaper online but P&P will probably wipe out any saving you make).

Sand - Thats sounds like quite a bit but might be right (though that would work out even more expensive then the ADA subtrate i use in my planted tank which doesnt sounds right). I was trying to find out how many KG of sand you need per square foot to give ytou a 2inch covering but I cant find any info on it 9sure I saw this somewhere before).

Probably a good idea to add at least another £50 on there for salt and food to last a couple of months.
i did the piercing installation with my RO unit, its perfectly fine. Either way works, the hose bib (the Y adaptor) and the piercing valve (poke a hole in your pipe)
Thanks for the replies, I think i may invest in the RO unit linked above :D
Ok the lighting Question Musho spoke about. Are the lights going have a different plug to the Uk ones? Just the delviery is free.
If its not vesable i could go with two of these
Just the costs a little more even without the light, If i did go with these what bulbs should I go for?
well if you get them at aquacave they will have american plugs. and although aquacave does overseas it will cost a lot due to customs etc and the actual shipment. Free shipping only applies to continental america.

The link you gave me seems crap, you have to pay extra for reflectors and those bulb prices are pretty high. Look into retrofit ones if you have your own canopy maybe?
The canopy comes with the tank, I asked the guy at the lfs to look into it for me. Doesnt anyone know any good UK shops online?
Sure, those will work. To be honest, if you allready have a hood and have sufficient room in the hood, look into the Arcadia I-bar if you just wanna keep softies. if you think you might ever want to get into hard corals go with the 4-tube setups you linked above.

As for flowrate, with a 240L tank you'll want about 3000L/hr for softies, and more like 5000 or 6000L/hr for hard corals. Your best options are probably the Hydor Koralia, Tunze Stream/Nanostream, or Seio Superflow pumps. I'd suggest at least 2 pumps in case one fails :)
Yes, nothing massive, but a fan will be required. prefferably an intake and exhaust fan if it's installed in a hood.

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