Okay, am I overstocked or not???


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
My tank is 30 in. long by 13 in. deep by 20 in. high, roughly. It's a 29 gallon tank and it looks pretty long to me, but maybe I'm wrong.

Is this one of the "tall" tanks, or is it regular tank, does anyone know??

Should I stock it by the 1" per gallon theory or not because it's tall...??? :crazy: :X :huh:

it's a long tank, it's not really the volume of water that dictates how many fish you can keep, it's the surface area
this is what i got

Surface area: 600 Inches2 Volume: 33.77 US gallons Max. units of fish: 50 Inches
From reading your sig I would say that, no, you are not overstocked. you could even go out and buy a few more corrys to give the ones you have more company (they are a lot more active in schools of about 5 or 6) :)
If you have a standard 29G tank, it is 30"L x 12"W x 18"H.

Surface area is 30" x 12" = 360 sq in. At 1" of fish per 12sq inches of surface area, a 29 gallon tank can (according to the "rule") support 30" of fish. The 20G Long tank has the same surface area.

Here's the chart I use: http://www.thetropicaltank.co.uk/tanks-us.htm

(Oddly, the same site has an inaccurate UK tank chart.)
:cool: Thanks guys!!

Now I can stop fussing over that one!

Maybe I will get a few more cory's someday.

Keep in mind, the 1" stocking rule should only be applied for fish 3" or less. Fish larger than that should be use the general rule, like Marine aquaria, of 1" of fish for each 5 gallons of water. This is becuase larger fish create more waste and usually require more swimming space.
I guess my Blood Parrot is about 4" right now, but will probably be 6" someday. I've been counting 6" for him even now, so 6 gallons there. If I did how you say it would be 30 gallons for just him?!! YIKES! :crazy: That way is definitley harder to go by. Not because I'm a bad fish keeper, just because it's a LOT of water. :S He would be alone in my 30 gallon if I did it 5 gallons for every 1" of fish.

I'm going to have to think about that one a little more :huh:

I've never heard that rule before, not doubting you, I'm just troubled now :X

The excess waste is easy to take care of by getting a bigger filtration system. Unfortunatley, it still needs room to swim.

The 1" for 5 gals hasn't been written, but I have seen several posts that are somewhat similar. Just think of having 10" of neon tetras in a 10 gallon tank, compared to a 10" Oscar in a 10 gallon tank.

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