OK, time for a stock check!


Feb 14, 2004
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A 23.4 UK gallon tank - Non planted, sand substrate, slate background, fluval 2+

Temperature kept at 80 degrees - rock solid

3 Tiger Oscars - They are only 2.5 inches atm, at what size should i upgrade tank to a 100 gallon+ (going to drop down to 2 when they have formed a solid pair)

A 10 UK Gallon Community tank - Planted, laods of snails, Gravel base, fluval 1+

Temperature kept at 80 degrees - rock solid

1 - Sailfin Molly
1 - Male Dwarf Gourami
1 - African Knife Fish (almost 5 inches!!)
1 - Small Angel
1 - Male betta

I think this tank is about full now, got over an ICH crisis a couple of weeks ago.

An 8 Gallon Livebearer corner tank - Gravel, large bogwood, fake grass and fake plant. Fluval 1+

Kept at 78-79 degrees - Currently unheated fluctuates around those dependant on room temperaure (heater waiting for me at the post office)

10 - Assorted platys from less than 1 inch to 1.5 inches

This was only setup a week and a half ago, cycled for a week with nothing in it, running filter media from my established tanks (10 gallon/23.5 gallon) Its got a dual breeding trap setup and ready for the inevitable young. (at least 3 femles are gravid atm)

A 4 gallon hex tank - Gravel, planted.

Kept at 78-79 degrees - Currently unheated, with no plans for heating.

2 - Female Fighters

These two are both about an inch and a quarter, im growing them up slowly, and conditioning them for breeding. They were being kept with a Male, but i decided that although he was not bothering them, they were staying striped along the body :( They both are a nice colour now!

All my male bettas will be in dual betta hexs per fish as off tommorrow eveing, when i pick them up from the post office :)

So, anyone spot any problems, oppertunities, got any advice, or ideas for my tanks??
Hi ,i would have thaught your 10 gall comunity tank is over stocked and also not big enough to house an angel fish as they grow quite abit and need a deep tank for their long fins
I'm not sure about your oscar question, but you'll need to get a bigger tank to put your angel in when it gets bigger. 18" high, 30 gallons preferably. ;)

BIGMAC beat me to it :lol:
cutechic said:
I'm not sure about your oscar question, but you'll need to get a bigger tank to put your angel in when it gets bigger. 18" high, 30 gallons preferably. ;)

BIGMAC beat me to it :lol:
Yes, i was aware that 15 inches was the minimum height for a growing angel, mine is only 2 inches from the tip of the top fin to tip of the bottom fin atm. I will be upgrading, or removing it before the tank is uncomfortable, how about my 23.4 uk gallon tank, would that do when hes bigger, as i have to upgrade the oscars at some point. Its 15 inches high...
Malt_Vinegar said:
cutechic said:
I'm not sure about your oscar question, but you'll need to get a bigger tank to put your angel in when it gets bigger.  18" high, 30 gallons preferably. ;)

BIGMAC beat me to it :lol:
Yes, i was aware that 15 inches was the minimum height for a growing angel, mine is only 2 inches from the tip of the top fin to tip of the bottom fin atm. I will be upgrading, or removing it before the tank is uncomfortable, how about my 23.4 uk gallon tank, would that do when hes bigger, as i have to upgrade the oscars at some point. Its 15 inches high...
18" is the minimum for angels, not 15". Also Your knife fish is too big for that tank and will continue to grow at least a bit IMO. They are also nocturnal predators.

IMO 10 platies is too much for an 8 gallon.

I wanted an angel but the advice i was given was a minimum of 18" deep so i couldnt get one as mine is only 15" deep ,so going by that advice your 23gall wouldnt be deep enough. -_- someone else may disagree .
wow, i'd buy the 100g tanks for the kinfe fish instead of the oscars! he need to get out of that 10 gal asap

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