ok, tell me if this is good enough


Fish Crazy
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I just changed my cool white lamps to 1 tri phospor, 1 plant and aquarium lamp and 1 ultralume. each is about 40 watts. and i have 75 g. also, i still have 1 cool white, still trying to eanr money, tho.

So what is the question? How many fish are in the tank? How many plants are in the tank? How long do you have these tubes on for?
I have 20 zebra danios
10tiger barbs
3 Siames algae eaters
2 bala sharks
1 red tailed
1 syno eupterus

lightly planted on one side(2 anubias nana, a bunch elodea, 2 dwarf hairgrass, 2 bacopas, and a red needle leaf ludwiga)
That works out to 120W/75gal=1.6W per gallon. Since its a lightly planted tank it maybe sufficient if you keep the lights on for about 8-10hrs/day. However, the coloured plants (reddish) ones may tend to become more greenish as they need more light.

Hope this helps.
thanx, i noticed that, too. its more green, but oh well, once i get more powerful lighting....

Anyways, thank you guys for your help!

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