OK Starting with the fish


4k gallons and growing!
Dec 25, 2003
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As I repopulate the tank I wont start with the fish... but well will end with them.

I really want a Mandarin fish and one of the reasons (other working toward as natural of filteration as possible) I am adding the 2 sump tanks and 3 refugium / speicies tanks to the system.

I assume a 75g is too small for a pair so:

1) Green Mandarinfish - Synchiropus splendidus

This will mostly be an invert tank but I would like a few other fish to fill up the place.

2) One purple firefish Goby – Nemateleotris decora

3) one or three Royal gramma (Gramma loreto)

any :no: ?
or modifications for this list?
(I know it is small... but, well "less is more")
And hehe wait till my invert list comes out.
Adrinal said:
As I repopulate the tank I wont start with the fish... but well will end with them.

I really want a Mandarin fish and one of the reasons (other working toward as natural of filteration as possible) I am adding the 2 sump tanks and 3 refugium / speicies tanks to the system.

I assume a 75g is too small for a pair so:

1) Green Mandarinfish - Synchiropus splendidus

This will mostly be an invert tank but I would like a few other fish to fill up the place.

2) One purple firefish Goby – Nemateleotris decora

3) one or three Royal gramma (Gramma loreto)

any :no: ?
or modifications for this list?
(I know it is small... but, well "less is more")
And hehe wait till my invert list comes out.
Well I am no expert, but is seems like you have a great list there. Let us know what you plan to do with the inverts...........have you seen a pom pom crab? That is my latest new fav. They are $$$ here, so thinking of getting one online.

Keep us posted.......... ;)
hehe here is my diary notes on pom poms (knotice the first in my crab list):
not sure I want one of these but omg it is cool!
Pom Pom Crab


THing is I think these need anenomies or come with them... I don't want anenomies. Good Bad Ugly.. more to learn about. I try to research till the last page of hits is done on the searches. I cut out: anenomies, cucumbers, urchins... and a whole load of other things, so I can focus.
Its only a 75g tank after all :).

I have 3 species tanks
this is my aim ATM

20g pistol shrimp / goby combo
10g mantis shrimp
10g decorator arrow crab or just reg decorator crab (but might go with pom pom).
Thanks. GL

So far all I have got is one no on the Royal on RC... Though you have seen my tank and it is well rocked :)

Know all about Mandarins and know I will kick my self for making them my goal... but Will be prepared or wont get them.
The tank has been going for 2 years. With the absence of mr Dragon Wrasse the pod poulation is comming back albiet slowly. I still have my additions to make on the tank... by the time I am done with the plumming month.. two months? The tank should be ready for some of the inverts... Might even get the cleaners goinb before that. I figure by this summer I can get the other fish... that gives me.. hmm 6-8 months before I would even start looking for the Mandarin. With neerly 90gallons of refugium for a 75g tank stocked the way I stock stuff... thinking he will be ok :) and if I can't get the pods up to overcrouded levels.. just wont do it...
but it is my goal none the less :)

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