Fish Fanatic
I have a few fresh water tanks but what I really want and have wanted for ever is a salt. But everytime I start to look into it I get frustrated and my head feels like its going to spin. I keep hearing how easy saltwtr tanks are now days but any reading I have done doesn't make it look that way. So how hard is a salt water tank And how much cash should I have ? My LFS said I'd need a proten skimmer and qoted me like 500 dollers for one. If this is the min you can get one of those things then I think I'm out before I start.So what equipment do I need that is dif than fresh water ? Any info would be great !!!!
Ok I just read the pinned "MY very own nemo fish" and now I have not a clue how or why any of you salt water guys do it!!!!! The fish are way cool but oh my god!!!! More power to all of you. I think I'll just buy a yellow tang costume for my neon tetras.
At least until I can rob a bank and marry a chem major.
But I really love those mandarian fish. Maybe I'll bump my head tonight and forget that $ equals food and go buy me a setup.
Still if you have anything to add I'd love to hear it cuz I'm not sure how long I can pretend to not want one
Ok I just read the pinned "MY very own nemo fish" and now I have not a clue how or why any of you salt water guys do it!!!!! The fish are way cool but oh my god!!!! More power to all of you. I think I'll just buy a yellow tang costume for my neon tetras.
At least until I can rob a bank and marry a chem major.
But I really love those mandarian fish. Maybe I'll bump my head tonight and forget that $ equals food and go buy me a setup.
Still if you have anything to add I'd love to hear it cuz I'm not sure how long I can pretend to not want one